雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年7月13日 · The Commerce & Economic Development Bureau announced today that around $260 million will be earmarked under the Film Development Fund to implement five major measures to re-energise Hong Kong's film industry.

  2. 2024年5月23日 · The Basel Chamber Orchestra was established in 1984 and is rooted in the city of Basel. As the first orchestra awarded the Swiss Music Prize in 2019, the group stands out for its excellence and diversity as well as its depth and consistency.

  3. 2024年4月25日 · The Government today announced that Private Secretary to the Chief Executive Kevin Choi will take up the post of Permanent Secretary, Chief Executive's Office on May 14, succeeding Daniel Cheng who will commence pre-retirement leave.

  4. 2021年12月17日 · 2021年12月17日. 政府今日宣布,行政長官以其香港大學校監身分,委任王沛詩為港大校務委員會主席,任期三年,下月1日生效。 王沛詩2017年起擔任港大校委會成員,現為最低工資委員會和獨立監察警方處理投訴委員會主席。 她也曾於港大校董會和演藝學院校董會服務。 教育局局長楊潤雄歡迎王沛詩出任港大校委會主席,指其公職經驗豐富,能力卓越,是有擔當的社會領袖,深信她能帶領港大精益求精,再創佳績。 楊潤雄感謝即將卸任校委會主席的李國章,並讚揚其領導和貢獻,指李國章擔任主席期間,港大繼續發揮其世界頂尖大學優勢,吸引和培育全球英才,並積極推進港大國際化進程,成就斐然。 .

  5. 2023年7月18日 · 聖保羅男女中學的朱卓熹勇奪金牌,聖公會林護紀念中學的姚縉熹奪得一面銀牌,港灣學校的劉嘉泓、荃灣官立中學的謝昶豪、拔萃男書院的關容浩、聖保羅男女中學的伍學禮各得一面銅牌。

  6. 2024年5月4日 · Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung today congratulated four Hong Kong fencing athletes on winning the first and historical gold medal in the Men's Foil Team event of the FIE Foil World Cup - Hong Kong, China.

  7. 2022年5月8日 · John Lee won the 2022 Chief Executive Election today with 1,416 valid "support" votes from Election Committee members. Returning Officer Keith Yeung declared under Section 28 of the Chief Executive Election Ordinance that Mr Lee was elected as he obtained more than 750 valid "support" votes.

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