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  1. 2024年5月17日 · 如今真正原創首款 iOS 模擬器Delta – Game Emulator」已經正式上架 App Store 蘋果商店,能夠讓 iPhone 設備免越獄,也能輕鬆玩任天堂模擬器,包括GameBoy、GBA、GBC、SNES、DS、NES、N64等經典掌上型遊戲主機模擬器,想在iOS和iPadOS系統上

  2. 2024年5月20日 · Delta遊戲模擬器是甚麼Delta是一個Apple商店中的遊戲模擬器應用程式可以讓iPhone或iPad直接變成任天堂遊戲主機模擬器包括Game Boy、NDS、GBA、NES、DC等。 而且它會模擬這些遊戲主機的外觀,介面支援直向及橫向,控制功能也能轉換到切合iPhone用家的使用方式。 重點是這款App是完全免費,並且無任何廣告,絕對是user friendly! ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUE READING BELOW. 1. Delta遊戲模擬器安裝教學下載Delta - Game Emulator」App.

    • Overview
    • Supported Systems
    • Features
    • Installation
    • Project Overview
    • Compilation Instructions
    • Licensing
    • Contact Me

    Delta is an iOS application that allows you to emulate and play video games for several classic video game systems, including Game Boy Advance, Nintendo 64, and Nintendo DS. Delta is the spiritual successor to GBA4iOS — a Game Boy Advance emulator for iOS devices Paul Thorsen and I made while in high school together — rebuilt from the ground up with modern iOS features and support for more systems.

    Mario and Pokémon are properties of Nintendo Co., Ltd. and are not associated with Delta or AltStore LLC.

    •Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)

    •Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)

    •Nintendo 64 (N64)

    •Game Boy / Game Boy Color (GBC)

    •Game Boy Advance (GBA)

    •Nintendo DS (DS)

    •Accurate, full speed emulation thanks to mature underlying emulator cores.

    •NES: Nestopia

    •SNES: Snes9x

    •N64: mupen64plus

    •GBC: Gambatte

    •GBA: visualboyadvance-m

    Delta was originally developed under the impression Apple would allow it into the App Store. Unfortunately Apple later changed their minds, leaving me no choice but to find a new way to distribute Delta. Long story short, this led me to create AltStore, which now serves as the official way to install Delta onto your device.

    To install Delta with AltStore:

    1.Download AltServer for Mac or PC from https://altstore.io

    2.Connect your iOS device to your computer via lightning cable (or USB-C for iPads).

    3.Follow these instructions to install AltStore onto your device with AltServer.

    4.Open AltStore on your device, then navigate to the "Browse" tab.

    Delta was designed from the beginning to be modular, and for that reason each "Delta Core" has its own GitHub repo and is added as a submodule to the main Delta project. Additionally, Delta uses two of my own private frameworks I use to share common functionality between my apps: Roxas and Harmony.


    Delta is just a regular, sandboxed iOS application. The Delta app repo (aka this one) contains all the code specific to the Delta app itself, such as storyboards, app-specific view controllers, database logic, etc.


    DeltaCore serves as the “middle-man” between the high-level app code and the specific emulation cores. By working with this framework, you have access to all the core Delta features, such as emulation, controller skins, save states, cheat codes, etc. Other potential emulator apps will use this framework extensively.


    1.Clone this repository by running the following command in Terminal*

    1.Update Git submodules

    1.Open Systems/Systems.xcworkspace and select the "Systems" project in the project navigator (a.k.a. the left sidebar).

    2.Select "Systems" under Targets, then click the Signing & Capabilities tab.

    3.Change Team from "Yvette Testut" to your own account.

    4.Close Systems/Systems.xcworkspace, then open Delta.xcworkspace.

    Due to the licensing of emulator cores used by Delta, I have no choice but to distribute Delta under the AGPLv3 license. That being said, I explicitly give permission for anyone to use, modify, and distribute all my original code for this project in any form, with or without attribution, without fear of legal consequences (dependencies remain under...

    •Email: riley@rileytestut.com

    •Twitter: @rileytestut

  3. 2024年4月19日 · 應用名稱:Delta. 應用類別:模擬器. 下載位置. Delta 支援哪些遊戲平台? Nintendo Entertainment System(NES 即紅白機) Super Nintendo Entertainment System(SNES 即超級任天堂) Nintendo 64(N64) Game Boy (Color) Game Boy Advance. Nintendo DS(NDS) Delta 支援哪些遊戲控制器? Nintendo Switch Pro controllers. Joy-Cons. Nintendo Switch Online controllers (NES, SNES, N64) PS4/PS5. Xbox One S/ Xbox Series X.

  4. 2 天前 · 老幼皆宜:Delta Delta - Game Emulator 說於 App Store 上架最注目的模擬器,必定是 Delta 吧! 這款模擬器終於不用越獄也可以用到,支援眾多任天堂系列主機,包括紅白機、超級任天堂、N64、GameBoy、GBA(GameBoy Advance)、GBC(GameBoy ...

  5. 2024年4月18日 · 這一款遊戲模擬器「Delta – Game Emulator」是 Riley Testut 的原創作品,使用他過去製作的另一款遊戲模擬器 GBA4iOS 為基礎開發而成,所以基本上不太會有抄襲之類的爭議發生,而且也主打免費無廣告,算是目前最全能的復古遊戲模擬器之一。 Delta 支援 6 種遊戲系統、外接手把遊玩、3 大平台都能下載. 目前已經可以在 App Store 中下載「Delta」使用;而且除了 iPhone 外,還可在 iPod、配備 M 系列晶片的 Mac 甚至是 Apple Vision Pro 上執行,只需注意系統最低要求為 iOS 14、macOS 11.0、visionOS 1.0 以上版本。 Delta 遊戲模擬器 App Store 下載: 點這邊.

  6. 2024年4月25日 · April 25, 2024. in 寶可夢週邊. 0. 目錄. 2024年,蘋果公司針對其政策進行了重大調整,允許遊戲模擬器軟件直接在App Store中上架,讓iPhone 及iPad 用戶能夠不需越獄即使用遊戲機模擬器。 這次要介紹的是能玩各種經典的任天堂遊戲機遊戲的 Delta 模擬器。 讓大家在手機回顧像《精靈寶可夢 金版、銀版》這些經典寶可夢遊戲。 Delta模擬器:一站式暢遊任天堂經典遊戲. Delta模擬器,作為市場上第一款官方認證的iOS遊戲模擬器,支援GameBoy、GBA、GBC、SNES、DS、NES、N64等多種經典掌上遊戲主機。 用戶只需透過App Store 下載安裝Delta模擬器,即可在其iOS設備上直接體驗這些遊戲的樂趣。

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