雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. F1日本錦標賽 | Travel Japan - 日本觀光局(官方網站) 在 F1 日本錦標賽體驗專業賽車比賽. 十月在 三重縣 鈴鹿賽道 舉行的 F1 日本錦標賽,各家好手齊聚日本一大知名賽道,在高難度彎道上一較高下,比賽十分精彩刺激。 別錯過. 在傳奇場地觀賞刺激的賽車競賽. 向專業賽車手請益,然後再到附近遊樂場的卡丁車練習模仿車技. 交通方式. 從 大阪 或 名古屋 搭乘大眾交通工具,均可抵達 鈴鹿賽道 。 從大阪難波站搭乘近鐵特急列車,前往白子車站。 車程大約為 1 小時 40 分。 若從 名古屋車站 搭車,車程為 40 分鐘。 從白子車站搭乘計程車(15 分鐘)或三重交通巴士(20 分鐘),即可抵達 鈴鹿賽道 。 在一流的日本賽道上,觀賞正統賽車競賽.

    • 7992 Inoucho, Suzuka-shi, Mie-ken
  2. The New National Stadium is the centerpiece of Tokyo's Olympic and Paralympic facilities. The distinctive wooden lattice framework and design blends ultra-modern and traditional Japanese architectural techniques, including 70,000 cubic feet of larch and cedarwood, symbolically taken from all of Japan's 47 prefectures.

    • 10-1 Kasumigaokamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo-to
  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 茂木賽車場位於 栃木 ,是舉辦日本摩托車大獎賽的賽車場。. 這個賽道由本田技研工業株式會社於 1997 年建造,主要是為了促進日本的賽車運動。. 這個設施起初名為「茂木雙環賽道」,是源於賽車場中的兩條特色賽道:一條 2.5 公里的橢圓形賽道,以及一條 4.8 ...

  5. This uses small electric cars with a steering wheel containing many of the car’s controls, just like an F1 car’s steering wheel. The challenge involves various missions that you must complete to reach the goal. At the end, you'll receive an evaluation to see how It ...

  6. 클래식한 일본 레이스 트랙에서 열리는 클래식 레이싱 대회. F1 팬이라면 스즈카 서킷 에서 10월에 개최되는 F1 일본 그랑프리를 반드시 관람해야 합니다. 일본에서 F1 수준을 충족하는 레이싱 트랙은 단 두 곳뿐인데, 이곳이 그중 하나이기 때문이죠. 특히 트랙의 ...

    • 7992 Inoucho, Suzuka-shi, Mie-ken
  7. All you need to know about entering, leaving and staying in Japan. Any foreign visitor entering Japan must have a valid passport for the duration of their stay, and all visitors must comply with the conditions of their visas. See below for information about the current visa requirements for Japan. Visa Information. If you have any further ...

  8. Originally planned as a NASCAR oval inspired by Daytona Speedway, Fuji Speedway morphed into a more conventional but still quite challenging road course. The track boasts the added attraction of having Mt. Fuji as its scenic backdrop, and you can drive a test car if no events are scheduled.