雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年8月30日 · Discover the real-life locations of 10 popular Japanese anime, including 'Your Name,' 'Evangelion,' and more!

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  3. 日原鐘乳洞位在秩父古生層的石灰岩,被地下水長期溶解侵蝕而形成的自然洞窟,裡面石筒石柱林立,是一個非常有特色的鐘乳洞。 經過數十萬年的時光的洗禮,練就成的鐘乳石美景,可以說是在繁華的東京難得一見的自然博物館。 除了這些神秘的景色之外,面山傍溪,春賞新綠秋賞楓,以及充滿負離子和芬多精的空氣可以無限洗滌身心,加上周邊的美景絕對不能錯過。 日原鐘乳洞. 地址:東京都西多摩郡奥多摩町日原1052. 票價:大人700日圓、國中生500日圓、國小生400日圓 ( 折價券 ) 静岡・龍岩洞 (竜ヶ岩洞)

  4. 2016年8月11日 · After the success of the VR Zone Project iCan in Odaiba and Sky Circus in Ikebukuro, Tokyo Joypolis is host to the next virtual reality attraction in Tokyo with two very different games: Zero Latency and VR Living Dolls. In the video above, take a peek into Zero Latency, which has six players donning headsets, backpacks and “weapons” in order to shoot zombies in a open-area game set in a ...

  5. 2017年1月1日 · The 40,000 Hot Spring. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utQTDYJHkpU. This traditional Japanese-style inn sits in the middle of Shima Onsen, a town with more than 40 different hot spring sources. The town’s name (四万温泉) even means “The 40,000 Hot Spring,” since it was once believed that bathing in the local waters could cure 40,000 different diseases.

  6. 2021年12月2日 · One of the best known, which took place between the years 1701 to 1703, is the saga of Chushingura, when 47 masterless samurai (known as ronin) avenged their lord in a famous night battle in central Tokyo. Now you can visit three of the spots most closely connected with this famous incident. Act 1: The Saga.

  7. 2023年12月25日 · These narrow enclaves of pedestrian alleys lined cheek by jowl with drinking dens, cheap taverns and hole-in-the-wall eateries are one of the city’s classic old-time pleasures. Most of Tokyo’s original yokocho date back to the days when the city was rebuilding in the post-World War Two era.