雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1 Citi積分 = 1 The Point積分. 推廣期內每月累積將Citi積分兌換至The Point積分滿指定積分,可激享額外The Point積分5,6! 備註: The Point積分價值是根據The Point積分兌換率 (即每250 The Point積分 = HK$1元)計算。 相關兌換率會不時更改,而恕不另行通知,商戶將有全權決定權。 優惠名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。 與優惠相關之The Point積分將於推廣期內每個曆月結束後的4至6星期內由商戶自動存入合資格客戶的The Point賬戶。 禮遇3: 賺10% The Point積分回贈. Citi積分換埋賺埋嘅The Point積分,點用最精明?

  2. 我的信用卡的 CVV2 / Citibank Cash Back American Express ® Card 3CSC 在那裡?. CVV2 是印於您的信用卡簽名帶右面的三位數字。. 3CSC 是印於您的 Citibank Cash Back American Express ® Card 卡背的最後三位數字。. 我忘記了我的提款卡櫃員機密碼,怎麼辦?. 您可於您的Citi Mobile ® App內 ...

  3. 付款至銀行賬戶. 登入Citi Mobile®App 並選擇Citi PayAll. 登入Citi Mobile®App 並選擇Citi PayAll. 按「新增付款交易」 然後選擇繳費用途. 選擇付款週期. 輸入付款金額及賬單付款日期. 選擇信用卡及是否憑此交易賺取積分或回贈. 選擇現有收款人或輸入新收款人之付款詳情 ...

  4. 好戲連場上映,著數連環不停! 依家憑Citi信用卡喺超過50間戲院網購戲飛,可享 8折 優惠,用埋獨家嘅 Citi Pay with Points,睇戲隨時唔使畀錢,依家憑指定Citi信用卡更可享兌換優惠!提提您 Shopping完想睇返信用卡簽賬紀錄? 唔洗等月尾statement喇,登入Citi ...

  5. www1.citibank.com.hk › english › personal-bankingCitibank

    Important Information You are now leaving the Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited website and entering a third party site. All the information you provide will be subject to confidentiality and security terms of the applicable third party site. Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited does ...

  6. Citi 利息 Booster 戶口的利率將根據本行不時的決策而釐定。. 2. 如需使用投資服務,您可以於Citi Mobile ® App 內的「財富管理」開立投資戶口。. 3. 憑Citi Plus Mastercard 扣賬卡首6個月可享1%簽賬回贈,其後為0.5%。. 重要聲明:. 閣下應自行尋求有關稅務之專業意見 ...

  7. Loan amount of Citi Handy Cash is up to 8 times of your monthly salary or HK$100,000, whichever is lower. Repayment period of Citi Handy Cash is of 6 to 60 months. Application hotline service hours: Monday to Sunday 9:30am – 6:30pm (not applicable to Hong Kong public holiday) Show more. Loan Application Hotline: (852)2963 6477 d.

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