雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 備有一筆穩定的資金,在遇到突發事件或意外時以備不時之需,對每個人來說都十分重要。. 可是,事實卻往往不似預期,自己或家人因意外或急病需要一筆金額不少的手術費和住院費,籌辦婚禮時遇上超支情況,為迎接將要出生的小生命而開支大增,在業務上 ...

  2. Finance One Limited is backed by a Japanese capital fund with a strong financial background. Finance One was founded in the end of 2010 and regulated under the Money Lenders License in Hong Kong. Our management team consists of professional members with over 10 years of experience in consumer finance markets in Asia.

  3. Begin from the online application only takes 60 minutes by applying the loan payments in a fastest case. For those who are new to the products of Finance One Ltd. (日本網絡通財務), we would like to introduce the characteristics of our online personal loan, also the guidelines for loan application . We aim at offering you easier, faster ...

  4. We bring a new personal loan for borrowing money, so you only have to submit your application online. You can apply for your loan by using a few minutes. Don’t worry, our security control is strong enough to protect your personal information. You can enjoy and save

  5. Answer You must be at least 18 years of age and a Hong Kong resident with stable income (Housewife applicant will also be considered if spouse has stable income). You can apply for a loan online using our website. This is the only channel we accept for loan

  6. 日本網絡通財務有限公司(Finance One Limited) 香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心26樓2605室 日本網絡通的網站系統寄存於使用了最高安全規格的Tier IV ready數據中心。閣下如對本公司之服務有任何不滿或建議,歡迎致電3798 8058向我們反映及提出!謝謝您的

  7. 低息、方便、快捷 貸款更輕鬆更自在. 我們擁有世界性的企業文化。. 致力提供比同業為低的貸款年利率及簡易網上申請程序,為客戶帶來難忘的優越貸款經驗。. 日本網絡通財務有限公司是一間擁有強大背景 的日資財務公司。. 二零一零年年底成立及受香 港放債 ...