雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.sth.org.hk › download › PamphletColonoscopy

    Colonoscopy is currently the best method in examining the lower digestive tract (that include terminal ileum, caecum, var-ious part of the colon, rectum and anus) by using a flexible fiber-optic endoscope.

  2. STHEC Revised on Oct 2022 聖德肋撒醫院 眼科中心 病人須知 玻璃體切除手術之術後須知 1. 手術部位可能會紅、腫及對光線較為敏感,有異物感及淚水。 2. 請依處方滴眼藥水或眼藥膏。 3. 請盡量避免穿過頭之衣服,因衣服接觸眼睛可能引致發炎。

  3. The St. Teresa's Hospital Eye & Refractive Surgery Centre is a new state-of-the-art facility that houses the latest diagnostic and therapeutic ophthalmic equipment. A wide variety of eye conditions, from diabetic retinopathy to cataract, from glaucoma to strabismus problems, can all be diagnosed and treated at our centre.

  4. 內視鏡檢查中心. 簇新的內視鏡檢查中心佔用東座二樓全層,設有舒適的候診室、十間寬闊的檢查室及寧靜的復甦室,採用的儀器全是最先進的電子內視鏡,並設有透視X光機。. 本中心提供的服務包括診斷及治療性的:. - 上消化道內視鏡. -大腸內視鏡. -逆行膽胰 ...

  5. www.sth.org.hk › service_directorySt. Teresa's Hospital

    2/F 2200 3220 endoscopycentre@sth.org.hk 1/F 2200 3211 skin@sth.org.hk G/F 2200 3102 / 2200 3108 opd@sth.org.hk 1/F 2200 3114 / 2368 2466 dentalsth@yahoo.com.hk 2200 3310 breastcentre@sth.org.hk ...

  6. Introduction . A Holter monitoring is a continuous tape recording of a patient's ECG for at least 24 hours. It can be performed with your usual daily activities; the results help the physician correlate symptoms of dizziness, palpitations or black outs.

  7. www.sth.org.hk › service_directorySt. Teresa's Hospital

    2/F 內視鏡檢查中心 2200 3220 endoscopycentre@sth.org.hk 1/F 皮膚激光及整形外科中心 2200 3211 skin@sth.org.hk G/F 門診部 2200 3102 / 2200 3108 ...