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  1. 交通方式. 可在 福岡市 乘坐公共交通輕鬆前往太宰府天滿宮。 從西鐵福岡(天神)站乘坐西鐵線,中途在二日市轉乘,在太宰府站下車。 出站後步行 5 分鐘,即可抵達太宰府天滿宮。 前往神社. 通往神社的街道商鋪林立,販售多種小食,例如梅枝餅,是當地人特別喜愛的一種糯米紅豆餅。 一些攤位出售日本獨有口味的霜淇淋,例如綠茶、黑芝麻和黃豆口味。 此外,還有許多販賣紀念品和小物件的商店。 進入神社. 到達主殿之前,不妨花點時間探索神社內部。 遠離都市喧囂是太宰府天滿宮的一大魅力,你可在這裡悠閒遊覽。 穿過高大的鳥居進入神社,便可看到三座架於池上的神橋,池內養有錦鯉和水龜。 池子為日文漢字「心」的形狀。 湖泊邊緣的石塊隆起,上面種有古老的樟樹,石上青苔密佈,岸上則種有若干太宰府天滿宮常見的梅樹。

    • 4-7-7-1 Saifu, Dazaifu-shi, Fukuoka-ken
    • Enjoy Warm Hospitality and Explore Ancient Spiritual Traditions
    • Relax at A Private Retreat
    • Taste The Seasons
    • Music to Calm The Mind
    • Inner Peace and Spiritual Cleansing
    • Trek and Cycle to Explore Local Culture
    • Make Your Own Traditional Washi Paper
    • Walk The "Bridge to Heaven"
    • Measures Against The Spread of Covid-19

    Kyoto City is Japan’s cultural heart, drawing visitors to its historic streets and renowned temples. For a deeper understanding of Kyoto’s cultural and spiritual heritage, head to the quiet northern region. Explore rural towns and charming coastal villages, and enjoy authentic temple experiences. Shoureki-ji Temple is nestled in the mountains near ...

    Shoureki-ji Temple is located in a quiet residential corner of Ayabe, and has views of the Yura River. The temple was founded in 942 and enshrines a figure of Kannon, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Most of the temple buildings date to the late Edo period (1603–1867). Relax in a self-contained accommodation at the temple. © OTERA STAY The comfortabl...

    Mealtimes are a highlight at Shoureki-ji. The head priest prepares kaiseki meals of delicate, seasonal dishes for a feast that is as much for the eyes as the tastebuds. The first part of dinner is a collaborative affair. Stroll the temple grounds, gathering seasonal ingredients and decorations for the hassun, a selection of eight appetizers. The pr...

    After the morning prayers, the head priest can offer lessons on how to play various narashimono, the musical instruments used at temples. These include the bell, hand gong, small symbols, metal gong, conch, and taiko drum. The sounds are meant to set the rhythm and tone for chanting sutras, and to help focus the mind on prayer. Try playing the trad...

    Meditation is said to reduce stress and enhance concentration. Zazen, seated meditation, is meant to balance body and mind, and free practitioners from the distractions and stresses of the outside world. At Shoureki-ji Temple, you can try chikurin zazen, a meditation session in a bamboo forest. The sounds of the whispering wind, birdsong, and the d...

    The hiking trails on nearby Mt. Ine offers an opportunity to experience the culture and spiritual practices of Ayabe in the fresh mountain air. From the summit at 160 meters, you can take in the town, the Yura River, and the surrounding countryside. A direct path up the mountain to Akiba Shrine takes about 45 minutes. A more challenging course weav...

    Kurotani washi paper has an 800-year history. The durable paper was originally for practical use, typically used to make paper screen doors and lanterns. Today, Kurotani washi is a specialty material for postcards, writing paper, and art paper. Visitors to the quaint, quiet village of Kurotani can join a workshop at the Kurotani Washi Center to mak...

    Ayabe is a convenient base for exploring Kyoto’s quieter side along the Sea of Japan coast. Among the area's more popular attractions is Amanohashidate, a narrow sandbar covered with around 5,000 pine trees that stretches across Miyazu Bay. Amanohashidate means "bridge to heaven," and it was so named because when viewed from one of the mountains on...

    Temple Hotel Shoureki-ji is taking measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including regularly disinfecting and ventilating rooms and shared spaces, and making alcohol hand sanitizers available. The accommodation is limited to one group per stay, ensuring privacy and social distancing. Please note that certain programs and events may have been ...

  2. TOKYO, JAPAN. 交通方式. 三麗鷗彩虹樂園距離東京市中心約 30 分鐘電車車程。 從新宿站乘坐京王線,在多摩中心站下車,步行 5 分鐘後即可到達三麗鷗彩虹樂園。 觀看繽紛可愛的遊行. Hello Kitty 和一群可愛的小東西一邊傳遞溫暖和愛意,一邊歡樂前進。 喜拿狗和布丁狗等眾多備受喜愛的角色以及基利見(一大塊可愛的三文魚片)之類的另類角色彙聚一堂,展示自己的風采。 真人大小的三麗鷗卡通人物在五彩繽紛的花車上向人群揮手致意,當經過日本孩子的身旁時,你會看到他們個個超級激動。 © 2018, 2021 SANRIO CO., LTD. TOKYO, JAPAN © 2018 SANRIO/SHOCHIKU. 與梳乎蛋開心暢聊.

  3. 交通方式. 新宿御苑從新宿站、千駄谷站或新宿御苑前站都可以輕鬆地步行到達。 如需前往正門入口,可從新宿站東南口出站。 新宿站東南面的出口最接近新宿御苑,步行只需約10分鐘。 Shinjuku Gyoen Management Office. 遊覽花園的三種方式. 新宿御苑實際上是三園合一,集西式和日式風格於一身。 其中又以法式整形庭園最為浪漫。 這裡繁花錦簇,尤其是玫瑰,更是增添了不少浪漫氣息。 春天,御苑這部份百花盛開時,遊客絡繹不絕;寒冬來臨之前,還能看到數百株樹木褪去綠意,換上新衣。 英式庭園則有著廣闊的開放式草坪,四周環繞著盛開的櫻花樹。 日式庭園是新宿御苑的起源,散佈著大型的園池,還有島嶼和橋樑點綴其中。 水邊環繞著修剪整齊的灌木和大樹,還有茶室和涼亭。

  4. 不同寺院的客房和餐點各具特色. 不同寺院的宿坊體驗雖然大同小異,但仍各有獨特之處。. 廁所通常是共用空間,不過某些寺院則有提供附設私人廁所的套房或客房。. 預訂宿坊時需注意部分寺院僅接受現金,因此最好事先確認付款方式。. 客房價格通常包含 ...

  5. 如何前往. 銀閣寺位於京都市的東山北區,是舊京都的中心,寺院旁則是曾經的皇宮 京都御所 。 從京都站乘坐 5 號或 17 號巴士,在銀閣寺道巴士站下車,然後步行 10 分鐘可達銀閣寺。 參觀銀閣寺. 該寺位於京都東部,最初由幕府將軍足利義政在 1460 年修建,作為他在退休後養老的別院。 1482 年,他增建了如今稱為「銀閣」的院舍,作為供奉觀音菩薩的佛堂。 銀閣仿照足利義政祖父的金閣寺建造,但規模較小,風格也較簡樸。 殘缺之美. 足利義政原本計劃仿照金閣寺的金箔裝飾,為銀閣覆上一層銀箔,但這個想法最終未能實現。 後人認為,銀閣現今的外觀,與足利義政死前看到的模樣並無差異。 這種建築風格,剛好也體現出佛教的侘寂思維。

  6. 交通方式. 你可從 博多 、大分、宮崎和人吉以及周邊地區搭特快列車前往別府車站。 從別府車站乘坐 2 號、5 號、 24 號或 41 號公車,20 分鐘後在鐵輪溫泉或海地獄前車站下車,然後步行前往鐵輪區域(海地獄到白池地獄)。 所有地獄溫泉景點均設有停車場。 購買巡禮票. 探索該地區的最佳方式之一,就是購買地獄溫泉巡禮票,亦即觀光旅遊巴士票。 旅遊巴會帶領遊客在 2 至 2.5 小時內參觀所有七個地獄溫泉。 七個溫泉中的五個位於鐵輪溫泉區域內,最後一個則在柴石溫泉區域內。 參觀所有溫泉的套票收費 2,000 日圓,你也可以自行前往參觀,每次參觀費為 400 日圓。 野生動物棲息地. 爐灶地獄有一位不同尋常的居民 — 一隻好像永遠都胃口十分好的河馬。

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