雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 系統特點. MePOS零售系統專為初創企業及小型店鋪所設計 : 我們設計的POS功能齊備,簡單易用,如一般 收銀機 操作,只需數分鐘的系統培訓,員工即可在前台進行簡單操作。. 深入了解行業特性,系統設計貼心,適合各類零售店 : 如零食店、時裝店、化妝品店 ...

  2. 全智能藥房收銀機系統 All-in-one Touch POS 系統特點 完善的藥物資料庫: 系統已預載過萬款產品編號(包括藥品註冊編號),無需重新輸入,即買即用; 如需新增產品,只需掃瞄新產品條碼並輸入價錢,系統會直接把新產品加入資料庫內,省時方便 ...

  3. MEPOS system designed for start-ups and small stores : We designed an easy-to-use POS for retailers and small businesses, which includes cash register operation, facilitate inventory mangement, simplify customer management and ability to help your business grow. Quick system training will allow your employees to start operating the MePOS system ...

  4. 如同一般收銀機操作 系統已預載過萬款產品編號(包括藥品註冊編號),即買即用

  5. ABOUT US As a Hong Kong company with a local POS system, we are committed to making the best, most intimate and ideal retail system Best:It's the best function, not only features need to be fully equipped, and the data is fast and accurate, can reduce manual calculations ...

  6. Need hardware? We have that too. We provide hardware that seamlessly blends with software, instead of getting in the way of things* Small Desktop + 15 inch Touch monitor (1st year carry-in maintenance) Professional All-in-one machine (3 years on-site

  7. 我要做老闆!不用編寫複雜程式,DIY開網店輕鬆上手 在單店層面: 很多網店店主都想試行實體店,但又不想大費周章另外購買一套零售系統。在我們的O2O解決方案內,提供一個只供店主登入的版面,登入後有一個簡單的零售系統,可以做一些基本店舖的收銀操作。