雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 持卡人須於推廣期內透過下列 其中一個途徑成功進行登記,以參加此推廣: (1) 經“citibank.hk/local-spend-apply”; 或 (2)於Citi Mobile® App 內之Get More登記 (「登記」) 。 持卡人只需於推廣期內登記一次,無需為每張Citi 信用卡登記。 名額有限,此推廣優惠只限首10,000名成功登記之持卡人 (「已登記客戶」)。 附屬卡所作之登記將不適用。

  2. Credit Card to satisfy your craving right away! From now till June 3, 2024, new customers 1 apply for the following designated Citi Credit Card via this website 2 and. accumulate eligible spending of HK$8,0003 to get an exclusive limited-time welcome offer of. HK$1,600 Cash Rebate**. The earlier you apply, the earlier you enjoy! Act now!

  3. 優惠只適用於由花旗銀行 (香港)有限公司所發行之Citi The Club信用卡 (「認可信用卡」)之客戶。. 於推廣期內,客戶憑認可信用卡於利苑酒家的香港分店堂食及合資格單一淨額簽賬滿HK$2,000或以上,可獲享HK$250利苑酒家現金券 (「現金券」)。. 每位持卡人每日最多可 ...

  4. Don't miss the winter spending offer with up to 8% extra rebate on Citi Credit Cards! Whether you are booking flights and hotels, shopping overseas or online, dining out or buying clothes and electronics, you can enjoy more rewards with Citi . Find out the details and apply now!

  5. Cardholders must redeem a minimum amount, which is subject to the minimum required Points shown in the Citi Pay with Points page under Genki Sushi Online Takeaway Ordering Platform for each redemption. Statement credits will be posted to Eligible Cardholders’ Card Account within 7 calendar days of redemption. 7.

  6. Earn up to HK$900 rebate! Register Now. From November 9, 2020 till February 28, 2021, earn up to HK$600 Spending Rebate by paying Salaries Tax online with your Citi Mastercard® and making designated spending. Earn an extra up to HK$300 Spending Rebate by turning the related tax payment transaction into easy installments.

  7. 依家我哋仲加入咗更多個人化嘅設計同新功能,令您嘅理財更簡單! 賬戶資訊 一目了然. 快速瀏覽賬戶最新資訊. 輕鬆一掃即可睇晒賬戶資訊同交易紀錄. 唔會再錯過月結單. 收到月結單通知後可隨時隨地查看 電子月結單. Messaging 服務. 有咩問題您都可以隨時用Messaging 揾我哋, 就好似同朋友聯絡一樣咁方便. 更多獎賞及優惠. 我哋會因應您嘅個人需要,專心挑選啱您嘅理財產品同服務,仲有更多獎賞及優惠等緊您。 千其唔好錯過呢個機會! 捕捉心水靚價唱外幣. 啓動 Global Wallet 功能,並以心水靚價買入外幣,就可以用您嘅 Debit Mastercard 喺海外網站 shopping 時,直接扣外幣戶口兼 Citi 唔收任何手續費! 理財變得前所未有咁靈活.