雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年1月10日


  2. With these efforts, we hope to make Taiwan a cleaner and more competitive country, realizing the government’s promise of protecting our home, improving the quality of life and striving for sustainable development.

  3. Title 第1章可以本署成立的軌跡、篳路藍縷的籌備過程為主軸,作資料的呈現;第2章推動廉政工作重點部分,以跳脫業務別方式,採用本署三大目標為題綱,結合七項宣示精神,以彰顯核心工作成效;第3章業務統計部分則以業務別作資料呈現,放入各項公務統計數據,一目瞭然

    • spin
    • 12/27/2012 2:38:00 AM
    • MOJ
    • moj
  4. without Portfolio, Mr. Lo; Minister of Ministry of Justice, Mr. Tseng; Attorney General, Mr.Huang; Legislator, Lu, Hsueh-Chang, and the former Director-General, Chou, Chih-Jung. These 10 people together declared that creating new era of Honest 7 207 20

  5. 廉政訊息摘要. 哈薩克-反賄賂立法之變革. 2020 年下半年哈薩克總統分別簽署了第365-VI ZRK號及第384-VI ZRK 號法案( 下稱修正案),對該國反貪相關立法,包括反貪污法、刑法及民法引進了重要變革,說明如下: 一、對公務員之贈禮及招待 前開修正案對民法第509 條進行了修法,具體來說,包括刪去. 1 項「 允許特定類別之公務員( 例如州政府公務員)收受價值不超過貨幣情勢指數(MCI)10 倍(即2 萬9,170哈薩克堅戈或約. 70 美元)之簡單禮物」條款。 在修正案之前,民法第509條係規範與州政府公務員互動( 贈禮及招待)的主要規定,該項原規定若無涉貪意圖(即非以提供禮物換取公務員履行其法定職務),則可接受價值不高之簡單禮物。

  6. 23 The Civil Law and the Recovery of the Proceeds of Corruption and Serious Crime y Wealth that has not been properly declared or taxed (relative issues) y Wealth that has been stigmatized for some reason (usually political) – such as sanctions or

  7. Why Is It Necessary to Establish an Anti-Corruption Agency? Building a New Era of Clean Government and a Society Founded on Integrity Ministry of Justice Republic of China (Taiwan) Why do we need a specialized a nti-corruption agency? Strengthening the

  8. AGENCY AGAINST CORRUPTION, MINISTRY OF JUSTICE法務部廉政署 年度工作報告 103 2014 Annual Report 目錄CONTENTS 011 017 014 023 第一節 組織 011 壹、組織特色 012 貳、組織架構及編制 014 參、各級政風機構 第一節 我國廉政狀況 017 壹、國際

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