雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 課程內容 - 咖啡師課程 (初級) (BARISTA SKILLS FOUNDATION) Zoom. SCA Education Program. diploma-sca. 本課程會學習最基本的咖啡師技能, 著重於使各學員理解及掌握設置磨豆機,制作濃縮咖啡,牛奶咖啡的重點技能, 讓你展開專業咖啡師生涯。 報讀本課程的學員 不需要 擁有任何咖啡師的經驗,所以非常適合剛剛接觸咖啡業或那些希望深入了解咖啡師技能的學員。 學員需要通過3個小型技術測試及1個筆試 (60% 為合格分數)。 通過考試的學員,將可獲得SCA精品咖啡協會-Coffee Skills Program 學分5分及合格證書. 課程內容包括: – 甚麽是精品咖啡? – 研磨,配粉及填壓. – 萃取及沖煮咖啡. – 咖啡歷史文化.

  2. 課程名稱:7102-52『City & Guilds International Awards in Barista Skills 國際咖啡調配師技巧證書課程』. 授課語言:粵語中文. 學額 :3人開班 - 6人額滿. 上課及考試地點:. (K)九龍灣 – 九龍灣常悅道20號環球工商大廈10樓09室. 全期課程共5節 (包括上課材料及筆記 ) (包括 ...

  3. The Coffee Pro offers a wide range of professional courses including internationally-recognized Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) courses from foundation through to a professional level including five main modules. They are Green bean, Sensory skills, Barista

  4. Course Fee. HK$17,100 per programme inclusive of: 1.) Learning materials in English. 2.) Coffee tasting and hands-on practice. 3.) Test Fee for SCA "Barista Skills Foundation" qualification. 4.) Test Fee for SCA "Barista Skills Intermediate" qualification. 5.) SCA certificate (s) (soft-copy) for each qualification upon successful completion.

  5. The Best of Specialty Coffee Education Centre in HK | Coffee Equipments | Coffee Classes | Latte Art | Barista Skill | Coffee Roasting | Coffee Tasting | Roasted Coffee Bean |.

  6. HK$17,100 per programme inclusive of: 1.) Learning materials in English. 2.) Coffee tasting and hands-on practice. 3.) Test Fee for SCA "Barista Skills Foundation" qualification. 4.) Test Fee for SCA "Barista Skills Intermediate" qualification. 5.) SCA certificate (s) (soft-copy) for each qualification upon successful completion.

  7. Online Self-paced. Experience live, interactive learning from home with The Knowledge Academy's Online Instructor-led Industry Training | Basic Barista Training in Hong Kong. Engage directly with expert instructors, mirroring the classroom schedule for a comprehensive learning journey.

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