雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年10月14日 · Welcome to the 1990s, when Japanese TV drama ratings were high and the programming reflected the first wave of vast social shifts that accompanied the bursting of the Bubble Economy. What better way to spend your stay-at-home time than binging on some great TV from Japan’s not-so-distant past?

  2. 2020年5月8日 · Freelance writer living in Tokyo. Japanese movies, television and anime are great for immersing yourself in local culture while the global pandemic keeps us indoors. And now, some of the best modern Japanese TV shows are easy to access via streaming sites! Here are some of our favorites.

  3. 2018年1月7日 · 8 Great Kinds of Theater in Japan. conpetti.com. From the ancient traditions of kagura to the modern Broadway musicals performed by Gekidan Shiki, Japan has a vast array of options for those interested in theater and the performing arts. Here are eight great ways to engage the local stage!

  4. 2018年12月14日 · In Tokyo there is ample opportunity to see a huge variety of theatrical performances that cater to non-Japanese speakers. There's traditional English theater, live broadcasts, Japanese performances with translations, whacky non-verbal shows, comedy improv groups and more—you just need to know where to find them!

  5. 2018年10月18日 · And perhaps more than we realize, theme songs play a large role in making viewers addicted, some for many years and generations. Here are some of the most remembered love songs from TV dramas and movies up to 2016. 5. Say Yes — Chage and Aska (1991) Video unavailable. Watch on YouTube. Watch on.

  6. 2023年3月29日 · 那么,日本的短剧又是什么呢? 什么是“短剧”? 短剧,在日语里是コント,语源自法语的“conte”。 法语中“conte”一词是“故事、短篇小说”的意思。 从中不难感受到日本短剧的一些特点。 首当其冲就是它的“短”。 这种短剧的时间普遍在 10~20分钟左右 ,和动辄1、2小时的长篇戏剧相比,确实算得上短,其中甚至还有10多秒就结束了的短剧。 这种短剧被称为“短短剧”(ショートコント)。 但仅仅只是时间短还不能被称为短剧(コント),它还必须要好笑,因为短剧的最终目的是逗人发笑。 不过,同样是逗笑观众的舞台演绎,短剧还必须要有它独特的地方,才能和漫才、小品之类的艺术形式区分开来。 短剧的历史. 吉本兴业运营的剧场:なんばグランド花月. 短剧原本只是其它表演幕间休息的时候用来填补时间空缺的。

  7. 2016年8月29日 · All About the Yokohama Theatre Group. Andrew Woolner Updated August 29, 2016. Theater Yokohama Greater Tokyo Kanagawa. www.john-matthews.net. YTG was founded in 1900 as the Amateur Dramatics Club, or the Yokohama Amateur Dramatics Club, depending on whom you believe.

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