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  1. 2017年12月30日 · If you’ve ever visited Japan or Japanese online shops around New Year's, you’re bound to have seen some mysterious bags called 'fukuburo' appearing on the shelves. Read on to find out how to get the most out of them!

  2. 2016年3月25日 · Here's a wonderful selection of bags from across Japan in a variety of colors and styles. You'll find an environmental friendly corrugated cardboard bag, as well as the so-called "Bank Robber" bag—a great example of Japanese humor that would definitely work

  3. 2018年4月27日 · One of the shopping capitals of the world, Japan is often associated with luxury goods. But never fear, this lovely country is a haven for both savers and the spendthrifts! Discover some local fashion and beauty brands you shouldn't miss when in Japan.

  4. 2018年5月22日 · Here's another world-famous fashion retailer with a store in Shibuya—or rather, two stores in Shibuya! The one pictured is on the main street (Koen-dori) not far from Marui (OIOI), a spectacular department store with gigantic sign that's impossible to miss.

  5. 2017年8月23日 · JLPT surely stands for 'Just Let People Trade' right? Joking aside, we're bringing you a list of five of the best Japanese shopping websites, ranked by the level of Japanese (according to the Japanese Language Proficiency Test) needed to access them.

  6. 2016年5月2日 · Daiso, Japan's ¥100 chain store, has compiled six items from their shelves that they recommended for travelers. We thought they all looked so useful that we might just buy them all! Cute Folding Clothes Hangers (Set of Two)

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