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    KK [͵kolənəˋskɑpɪ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 【醫】結腸鏡檢查

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  2. 大腸內鏡. 大腸鏡檢查(俗稱腸鏡) 是利用一條直徑約1.3厘米,柔軟而可彎曲的內鏡,由肛門進入大腸內檢查。. 醫生在螢光幕可觀察腸內狀況,亦可以同時進行各項治療,例如止血、切除息肉、痔瘡結紮及注射等程序,更可抽取組織作化驗。. 飲食指引. 接受大腸 ...

  3. Bretthauer M, Lynge AB, Thiis-Evensen E, Hoff G, Fausa O, Aabakken L. Carbon dioxide insufflation in colonoscopy: safe and effective in sedated patients. Endoscopy . 2005;37(8):706-709. doi:10.1055/s-2005-870154

  4. 大腸鏡檢查(Colonoscopy) ,又俗稱腸鏡,利用一條直徑約1.3厘米(半吋)、長約 1.6 至1.8米、柔軟而可彎曲,並在末端裝有鏡頭的內鏡,由肛門進入大腸內檢查。. 在過程中,醫生會檢查範圍由肛門至盲腸的整段大腸(下消化道)黏膜,即包括肛門、直腸、結腸各 ...

  5. 幾歲要做大腸鏡檢查. 檢查前的飲食控制. 大腸鏡檢查會痛嗎?. 檢查時間多久?. 大腸鏡檢查的後遺症. 大腸鏡檢查的結果. 大腸癌檢查是一種偵測大腸內部有無異常細胞變化的檢測,透過將細長、可彎曲的攝像導管放入患者的直腸,醫師可藉由即時影像觀察大腸 ...

  6. Colonoscopy and gastroscopy are the best ways to detect colorectal cancer and stomach cancer respectively. Not only can they allow appropriate treatments at an early stage, but they can also help prevent the development of cancer.

  7. www.mayoclinic.org › tests-procedures › colonoscopyColonoscopy - Mayo Clinic

    2024年2月28日 · A colonoscopy (koe-lun-OS-kuh-pee) is an exam used to look for changes — such as swollen, irritated tissues, polyps or cancer — in the large intestine (colon) and rectum. During a colonoscopy, a long, flexible tube (colonoscope) is inserted into the rectum.

  8. 大腸鏡檢查高效安全,準確了解大腸狀況,切除瘜肉,並及早發現大腸癌先兆。. 香港港安醫院–司徒拔道的大腸鏡檢查安全可靠,可即日快捷完成。.

  9. Proper bowel preparation is essential for a successful colonoscopy examination. You are advised to consume a low-residue diet for 3 days prior to the procedure. You can eat rice, noodles, white bread, lean meat and eggs.

  10. 甚麼是結腸鏡檢查?. 結腸鏡是一種安全且非入侵性的診斷工具,可完整顯示出結腸和直腸內壁影像。. 在進行結腸鏡檢查時,醫護人員會將一支軟性導管透過肛門置入體內,並推送至直腸和結腸中。. 患者接受結腸鏡檢查前,須飲用一些溶液以清洗結腸,以便 ...

  11. www.endoscopy.hku.hk › en › Colonoscopy-screeningEndoscopy Centre

    The colonoscopy procedure will take around 30-60 minutes. During colonoscopy, intravenous sedation will be given. You will wake up around 1-2 hours after the procedure but the effect of the sedatives will take a day to wear off. You are advised to take leave from work on the day of examination.

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