雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. divorce problem 相關

  2. Find the Right Agreement for You. Browse a Wide Variety of Ready-to-Use Legal Documents. Easy Fill-In Templates. Create Your Personalized Divorce in Minutes.


  1. 離婚須知. 分享: 本文介紹辦理離婚手續須注意的事項以及相關的支援服務。 當婚姻面臨危機. 在決定離婚前,婚姻輔導可讓你將問題提出來討論、學習排解衝突和了解面前的選擇。 綜合家庭服務中心/綜合服務中心為有需要的個人或家庭提供輔導和轉介服務。 由社會福利署/非政府機構提供的綜合家庭服務. 當你選擇離婚. 以下連結載有向法庭申請離婚的相關資訊,包括須填寫的表格、訴訟詳情,以及聘請律師事宜。 怎樣申請離婚. 在離婚程序中尋求法律諮詢和支援,對你會有幫助。 你可從以下文章了解如何申請法律援助、尋求法律諮詢和聘請代表律師等事宜。 如何尋求法律諮詢及支援. 在分居或離婚過程中,若與配偶在協調子女照顧或探視事宜上出現困難,可向共享親職支援中心的社工尋求協助。 共享親職支援中心. 政府提供的相關支援.

    • Getting a Divorce

      This article tells you about what you need to go ...

    • 离婚须知

      此专题文章由香港政府提供,介绍如何申请离婚和相关支援服 ...

  2. Divorce has become an increasingly serious social problem in Hong Kong. It presents complicated challenges to individuals and families, including physical, psychological, familial,

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Under section 11A of the Matrimonial Causes Ordinance ( Cap. 179 of the Laws of Hong Kong) , except in the case of a Joint Application for divorce, the Court shall not hold the marriage to have broken down irretrievably unless the applicant for divorce (i.e. the petitioner) satisfies the Court of one or more of the following facts:

  5. Set up an emergency assistance fund for families in crisis to meet legal, housing, or other financial expenses for non-CSSA and low-income persons who are in the process of divorce, maintenance recovery, or domestic violence victims

  6. Family mediation is a problem-solving process designed to help couples who are divorcing or separating reach their own mutually acceptable agreements about ongoing arrangements for their children and / or how to resolve financial matters.

  7. Divorce - Family CLIC. I. General description of the legal consequences of divorce. Once a marriage relationship is dissolved in a legal sense (i.e. a divorce decree/order has been granted by the Court), each party will no longer be a spouse and both parties are free to remarry.