雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Disclaimer, Copyright & Privacy Policy Last updated: 15-7-2024 Best viewed with 800 x 600 resolution on IE 5.0 or Netscape 4.7 or above 免 責 聲 明 、 版 權 ...

  2. 39 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Email: go@dutylawyer.org.hk. Tel: 2526 5969. Fax: 2868 1754. We will handle all complaints, impartially and expeditiously. We will give you an interim reply within 10 days if the complaint is complicated.

  3. The Duty Lawyer Scheme provides legal representation by qualified lawyers in private practice to eligible defendants appearing in all Magistrates' Courts, Juvenile Courts and to any person who is at risk of criminal prosecution as a result of giving incriminating

  4. 所有律師均是合資格的私人執業律師和大律師。 有關服務包括﹕. 就被告應否認罪提供意見; 如果被告認罪,則代表被告求情; 如果被告否認控罪,則於審訊時替其辯護;以及. 當被告於審訊後被判罪名成立時,替其求情。 其他服務﹕「當值律師計劃」同時為以下人士提供律師進行訴訟:(1)在死因聆訊中,因提供對自己不利的證據而可能面臨刑事起訴的人士;(2)被拒發小販牌照而向文康市政上訴委員會提出上訴的小販;(3)面臨 引渡程序訴訟 的合資格人士。 如欲查詢「當值律師計劃」的其他資料,可瀏覽 當值律師計劃的網頁 或致電2526 5969。 1. 是否所有在裁判法院審理的案件,均已納入「當值律師計劃」內? 2. 我是否需要通過入息審查,才可獲得「當值律師計劃」提供律師代表我進行訴訟? 3.

  5. For legal representation in Magistrates, Juvenile and Coroner’s Courts, you may apply for the Duty Lawyer Service (the Service). When you need legal advice on a problem you face, you can use the free legal advice service provided by the Service. You can also pay for a lawyer to give legal advice or represent you in court.

  6. 按當值律師計劃涵蓋的約300項罪行分析,盜竊罪的個案所佔比例最大(24%),其次是違反逗留條件(8%) 、管有危險藥物(5%)、襲擊致造成身體傷害(4%) 及普通襲擊(3%) ( 圖4)。. 上述5項主要罪行合計,約佔2020年當值律師計劃個案總數的44%。. 2020年,當值律師計劃完成的案件 ...

  7. You should attend the Duty Lawyer Service's Court Liaison Office in the Magistrates Court where you will appear. If you are held in custody, you will be contacted automatically by the staff of the Court Liaison Office at the cell of the Magistrates Court on the day of your first court appearance.

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