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  1. 2023年7月5日 · The floating torii gate of Miyajima Island in Hiroshima prefecture Hiroshima, a symbol of resistance and rebirth, deserves to be at the top of your bucket list of places to visit in Japan. The City of Peace, which just welcomed the latest G7 Summit, is a must-see ...

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  3. 透過數位藝術觀賞栩栩如生的愛努族傳說. 在 Kamuy Lumina 夜行中探索阿寒湖的神秘森林。. Kamuy Lumina 是一項令人興奮的互動式體驗,融合了當地民俗、數位藝術,以及當地自然美景。. 這趟夜行路程約 1.2 公里,可在途中觀賞並體驗愛努族傳說:「貓頭鷹與橿鳥的 ...

  4. 在這趟檜原湖單槳獨木舟之旅中,您將划船環遊錨潟,這是由 40 多座小島組成如迷宮般的水灣,於 1888 年磐梯山噴發時形成。. 您可以悠遊於開闊的湖面,飽覽高山和裏磐梯高原雄偉壯麗的景致。. 訓練有素的當地嚮導將帶您展開這趟旅程,教授初學者單槳 ...

  5. 這趟自駕行程可環遊阿寒摩周國家公園周圍的三大著名湖泊——阿寒湖、摩周湖與屈斜路湖。. 此路線從阿寒湖濱出發,沿著阿寒摩周橫斷道路朝雙湖台方向行進,可在此觀景台欣賞雄阿寒岳、下之湖和上之湖的美麗景致。. 沿道路繼續前行,將抵達摩周湖第一觀 ...

  6. To enjoy this charming riverside city at its best, it is recommended to join the famous river boat tour which takes visitors along the canals of Yanagawa by the gondola-like traditional donko boat. Glide along the surface of the water and watch the beautiful scenery pass by as the boatman uses a pole to guide the boat down the ancient waterways.

  7. Quick Facts. Yoron Island lies closer to Okinawa than the Japanese mainland. The island's "Yoron Kenpo" drinking style is a traditional way of welcoming guests. The island's annual marathon has competitors race twice around the island. How to Get There. The main transport hubs for the island are Kagoshima on the Japanese mainland or Okinawa.