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  1. 位處金融核心地帶,設有獨立會客室,讓客戶可以於舒適及私穩度高的環境中與立橋人壽的保險專員會面。. 超過 3,000個 客戶好評 立橋會儘力改善服務及產品令客人保持滿意程度。. 我們積極以不同方式回饋社會,承擔應有的責任。. 人壽,儲蓄,年金,意外 ...

  2. Simple registration to enjoy 'Well Link Life's Free Triple Accident Protection'. Free benefits of accidental hospital income benefit, accidental disability and dismemberment benefit HKD100,000 and accidental death benefit HKD100,000.

  3. Well Link Insurance Group. In Well Link Insurance, we believe reassurance is a cornerstone of life. Protected by customised and diversified insurance solutions with excellent value, customers can rest assured to pursue their aspirations with continuous support from Well Link Insurance.

  4. 10月. 立橋人壽財富管理中心(旺角中心)開幕. 立橋人壽不斷積極拓展版圖,最新位於旺角亞皆老街之全新「立橋人壽財富管理中心」於2021年9月7日正式開幕,一星期7天為客戶提供優質便捷及貼心的專業諮詢及財務策劃服務。. 2021. 9月. 立橋金融集團. +852 3150 7888 ...

  5. 用戶登入. 用戶名稱. 如身份證號碼為A123456 (7),請輸入A1234567. 密碼. 忘記密碼? 如您登入本平台及/或使用本平台之任何服務,即表示您證實已閱讀及同意下列條款及條件:. 我已細閱、了解並同意 個人資料收集聲明.

  6. 索償貼士. 對於文件整全及無需額外資料的索償申請,我們會按以下服務承諾處理:. 住院或醫療索償 - 3個工作天內. 身故、危疾、傷殘或斷肢索償 - 5個工作天內. 如有任何索償或疑問,您可致電我們的理賠熱線+852 2830 7600,我們會協助您完成索償程序,助您渡過 ...

  7. www.wlis.com.hk › en › aboutAbout Well Link

    We specialize in providing diversified securities and futures trading services. As a member of the Well Link Financial Group, we are affiliated with Well Link Bank, Well Link Life, and Well Link Insurance, collectively dedicated to offering investors a secure and

  8. For Well Protect 108 Refundable Personal Accident Insurance Plan, we even do not require you to declare your health and no medical examination. If you have enquiries during the application process, feel free to contact us and we are happy to answer your questions,

  9. Well Link Insurance 立橋保險. 1,244 likes · 9 talking about this · 1 was here. 立橋保險集團控股有限公司(「立橋保險集團」)於香港成立,旗下全資擁有立橋人壽保險有限公司(「立橋人壽」)及立橋保險有限公司(「立橋保險」),致力為客戶度身訂造多元化、物超所值 ...

  10. 關於立橋金融集團. 心橋連百業,服務大中華,通達國際,成就長青基業. 集團價值觀. 以善念經營,穩妥可靠,坦蕩真誠,公平公道,用心服務社會,做有擔當的企業,對社會負責任。 鉄松精神 自強自立 奮鬥不息 孝善忠勤. 在石頭逢中發芽生根,在雷雨風雪中長大,在歲月長河中綻放. 企業願景. 成為客戶通往成功的橋樑,利國、利眾、利企業,與社會互利共贏。

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