雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月4日 · If you look for the "big picture," ie Japan, you'll most likely find prefecture weather. Every prefecture can also be broken down to various areas as weather might differ even within the same prefecture, ie north Nagano around Nagano city is different than Matsumoto in central Nagano or areas in the south by Gifu prefecture.

  2. 2023年9月20日 · Yahoo weather app is quite good. In Japanese, but most parts including daily forecasts use graphics, so easy to understand. It's free. https://weather.yahoo.co.jp/weather/promo/app/

  3. Answer 1 of 5: Weather websites give wildly different forecasts for weather in Japan. What is the best weather website - perhaps a local Japanese one in English - for accurate information? Thanks.

  4. 2023年5月30日 · The question... how accurate are these forecasts? June 2nd (our biggest walking day) is forecast to rain 50-75mm with high winds. Here at home that would be borderline flooding haha. I'm aware Japan is used to big events, and we should expect this during the

  5. 2024年5月4日 · I've gone to the website many people have recommended, https://www.jma.go.jp/jma/indexe.html but I don't see where to get a 2 week forecast for specific cities. I see where I can find it by prefecture, but not individual cities. I need 2 week forecasts, and then the next few days forecast, and then daily forecasts.

  6. Is there a particular weather app for Japan that is more reliable? In the US I use Weather Underground which gives very good forecast (temperature, rain volume, wind speed) for the week. I know I can just use Apple one which is based on Weather channel, but

  7. 2019年6月7日 · I doing photography, mostly landscapes, so would like forecasts for cloud, rain, sun etc. No point going out at 6am if it is going to pour down with rain for the next 2 hours. I'm more used this sort of forecast: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/forecast

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