雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年04月17日. 西交利物浦大学 经济与金融 专业大二学生缪玥,刚入校时曾得到大buddy帮助。 “我大buddy是个超级美丽温柔姐姐,我也想像她一样,帮助更多学弟学妹。 西浦学生社团“语伴社”主席、大二学生白策很喜欢社团活动中与国际生相处愉快氛围,抱着能帮助更多国际生融入西浦大家庭初心,去年9月他成为一名海外生buddy。...

  2. Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) is a pioneering, international joint venture university located in the city of Suzhou on China's east coast. We help you develop into a global citizen with the skills, knowledge, abilities, temperament and tenacity to succeed in ...

  3. Utalk. U-talk is the online teaching platform of the Chinese Culture Teaching Center (CCTC) at the University of XJTLU. It serves various functions, including teaching, teacher-student interaction, and information sharing. Before starting a new course, pre-reading materials for each topic will be uploaded into the “Announcement List” on the ...

  4. 其作品被引用超1.7万次,H指数高达66。. 特别值得一提是,陈教授有一篇论文被引用了756次,另有四篇论文被引用超过600次。. 他拥有22项美国专利。. 陈伟教授开创性科研成就备受认可,曾获美国哥伦比亚电视台CBS特别报道。. 2020年,他荣获德州大学杰出 ...

  5. 以下列举几例,或许能帮你在制定生活预算时候作为参考:. 学生A –他住在学校提供给大陆本科学生四人间宿舍,基本周内在校内食堂吃午饭和晚饭,周末偶尔会和舍友外出就餐,空闲时喜欢去电影,高峰期会选择公共交通出行。. 学生B –他申请了学校 ...

  6. Research Output Management System. PURE is a web-based system developed by Elsevier (the vendor of the Scopus database). The system provides an online platform that facilitates and supports...

  7. Established in September 2020, the School of Science at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) embodies a vibrant commitment to the advancement of knowledge, research excellence, and transformative education within the realm of scientific inquiry, exploration and innovation. Our School is composed a tight-knit professional family of ...