雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 健康錦囊. 應進食不同種類、不同顏色的水果以攝取不同營養素. 新鮮水果比罐頭水果、冷藏水果、乾果和果汁更理想. 應多進食橙色或黃色水果,如橙、木瓜、芒果,因為它們含有豐富維生素A及C. 與原個水果比較,純果汁的糖分含量較高,但膳食纖維量少,故建議多進食原個水果. 大部分水果雖屬低脂食物,但緊記要減少進食加入高脂肪的食材,如水果撻、水果雪糕及加入忌廉的水果蛋糕. 少選擇加糖的水果,如罐頭糖水水果、水果甜品、加糖的乾果及濃縮果汁. 如欲了解更多水果的資訊,請參閱「 日日二加三 」網頁。

  2. 該運動旨在為市民提供更多元化、更健康清新的食物選擇,使他們在外出用膳時建立健康的飲食習慣。 程卓端醫生表示,「有『營』食肆」運動建基於衞生署今年中率先在三百所食肆推行的先導計劃。 該計劃為期一個月,獲得市民和業界的鼎力支持。 程卓端醫生說:「先導計劃完結後的評估研究結果顯示,超過98%的顧客支持食肆提供健康菜式,而大部份(75%)會因此而再次光顧。 「另一方面,調查亦顯示有95%的食肆員工表示選擇健康菜式的顧客增加,而98%員工認為,在食肆推行健康飲食是可行的。 程卓端醫生續說:「綜合先導計劃的經驗,我們已修訂了運動的內容和具體安排,為食肆提供更支援。 她說:「我們誠意邀請各類型食肆參加,齊來『營』接健康潮流,煮出清新感受。 」迄今已有超過三百所食肆表示有興趣參加。

  3. Enjoy Fruit and Vegetables Every Day, Two Plus Three is the Way. Healthy Lunch 321 ( Web Accessible Version ) Smart Lunch 321. Healthy Snacks (Students' version) Healthy Snacks (Parents’ version) Joint Recommendation on Iodine Intake for Members of the Public (Pamphlet) Posters (15) Healthy Eating Food Pyramid for Children 2-5 years old.

    • Nutritional Value
    • Major Functions
    • Food Sources
    • Definition of Serving Size
    • Health Tips
    Supply vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid and potassium
    Rich in sugar and dietary fibre
    Dietary fibre promotes proper digestion; prevents constipation and intestinal diseases
    The vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in fruit work together to protect us from many chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers
    Fresh, canned and frozen fruits
    Dried fruits and dates without added sugar or salt
    Pure fruit juice without added sugar*
    2 pieces of small-sized fruit (e.g. plum and kiwi fruit)
    1 piece of medium-sized fruit (e.g. orange and apple)
    1⁄2piece of large-sized fruit (e.g. banana, grapefruit and star fruit)
    1⁄2bowl of fruit cuts (e.g. watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew melon)
    Eat a variety of fruit with different colours to get different nutrients
    Fresh fruits are better choices than canned, frozen or dried fruits and fruit juices
    Eat plenty of orange or yellowish fruits such as orange, papaya and mango because they are rich in vitamin A and C
    Compared with a whole fruit, fruit juice contains less dietary fibre but a much higher sugar content. Consuming whole fruit is hence recommended
  4. Balanced diet is a key to stay healthy. Follow the "Healthy Eating Food Pyramid" guide as you pick your food. Grains should be taken as the most. Eat more fruit and vegetables. Have a moderate amount of meat, fish, egg, milk and their alternatives. Reduce fat/ oil, salt and sugar.

  5. Most cases of impotence can be treated. Treatment for impotence may include oral medications (e.g. vasodilator or hormonal drugs), psychotherapy and sexual counseling, surgical implants and other methods (e.g. use of vacuum pump devices), alone or in combination.

  6. Action Plan to Promote Healthy Diet and Physical Activity Participation in Hong Kong

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