雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This is the official guide for passengers departing from Narita Airport. Please refer to this guide for floor maps as well as information on shops and services. Choose a chapter title and click. Narita International Airport Floor Guide -Terminal 1-(Published April 2023) download(PDF:2.59 MB)

  2. The period from the time of initial use until 12 midnight on the same day is calculated as 1 day and additional charges will apply for use beyond that. Example: If items areplaced in the locker at 09:00 p.m.and taken out at 01:00 a.m.the next day,the user will be charged for two days. Small baggage: 400 JPY per day.

  3. 成田国际机场楼层指南 -第3航站楼-(2023年4 月发行) 批量下载(PDF:971.03 KB) 遗忘物品・遗失物品 咨询・意见 来自机场的通知 活动・推荐 网站地图 网站政策 网络无障碍方针 隐私权保护政策 ...

  4. 1.關於領取商品的時間. 購買的商品請在出發機場完成出境手續之後,務必由購買者本人於出發時間的1小時前,在指定的「商品提貨處(市內免稅店提貨櫃檯)」領取。. 若無法在1小時前前來取貨,有可能無法將商品交給您,敬請事先諒解與配合。. 2. 關於隨身 ...

  5. *There is no postal collection at Terminal 3; please use Terminal 2 or place your mail in the postbox on the second floor departures lobby of Terminal 3. List Postal Service T1 Central Building / 4F / Before Security Check 08:30-20:00 *Post boxes are located in ...

  6. Service and Facility Details Baggage Storage. Three charge levels apply according to baggage size (small, medium and large). Charges vary by company so please ask for further information from the company you intend to use. A cloak service for clothing is also available.

  7. Pay Lounge. T1. This page provides information on Lounge in Narita Airport.