雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. 入境安排. 所有抵港人士于抵港时必须通过体温检测;出现病征者将由卫生署另行处理。 抵港后无额外限制。 抵港后检测结果呈阳性安排. 如检测结果呈阳性,有关详情可参阅 检测阳性人士须知网页。 常见问题. 请参阅 此网页。 更多资讯. 2019冠状病毒病专题网站 - 同心抗疫 - 入境注意.

  2. 入境安排. 所有抵港人士於抵港時必須通過體溫檢測;出現病徵者將由衞生署另行處理。 抵港後無額外限制。 抵港後檢測結果呈陽性安排. 如檢測結果呈陽性,有關詳情可參閱 檢測陽性人士須知網頁。 常見問題. 請參閱 此網頁。 更多資訊. 2019冠狀病毒病專題網站 - 同心抗疫 - 入境注意.

  3. Complete COVID-19 vaccination before travel according to the latest recommendations to effectively protect against COVID-19 disease (For details on COVID-19 vaccination, please refer to thematic website for COVID-19 Vaccination Programme: https://www.chp.gov.hk/en/features/106934.html);

  4. All pre-departure and post-arrival quarantine and testing requirements have been removed. All inbound persons must pass temperature checks upon arrival. Those found with symptoms will be referred to the Department of Health for further handling.

    • Points to Note Before Arrival at Hong Kong
    • Inbound Control Measures
    • Persons Arriving from The Mainland, Macao Or Taiwan
    • Persons Arriving from Overseas Places
    • Fulfilling Vaccination Requirement
    • Handling Arrangements For Persons Tested Positive After Arrival at Hong Kong
    • Other Points to Note
    Before departing to Hong Kong, please pay attention to the relevant inbound control arrangements.
    All inbound persons (aged four or above on the date of arrival at Hong Kong) are required to conduct the pre-departure testand obtain a negative result.
    They may also voluntarily declare the test result via the Department of Health’s electronic health declaration form (www.chp.gov.hk/hdf/) prior to their arrival at Hong Kong. For arrival via Hong K...
    For non-Hong Kong residents (aged 12 or above on the day of arrival at Hong Kong) arriving from overseas places, only persons who have fulfilled vaccination requirementare allowed to travel to Hong...
    All inbound persons must pass temperature checks upon arrival. Those found with symptoms will be referred to the Department of Health for further handling.
    For other most updated information, please also refer to daily press releases.

    The day of a person's arrival at Hong Kong is counted with the day of arrival at Hong Kong as Day 0. For example, for a person who arrives at Hong Kong on 1 December 2022, the “ 5th day/Day 5” would be 6 December 2022. (1)If required, the State Council's websiteor the State Council's service mini app (Chinese only) can be consulted for institutions...

    The day of a person's arrival at Hong Kong is counted with the day of arrival at Hong Kong as Day 0. For example, for a person who arrives at Hong Kong on 1 December 2022, the “5th day/Day 5” would be 6 December 2022.

    Non-Hong Kong residents (aged 12 or above on the day of arrival) arriving from overseas places are required to fulfill relevant vaccination requirement(eg. have been fully vaccinated) to travel to Hong Kong. Persons that fulfill relevant vaccinationrequirement include: 1. Persons who are fully vaccinated. 2. Persons who (i) are unfit for vaccinatio...

    The handling arrangements for inbound persons tested positive will be aligned with that for local cases.
    Relevant persons should provide information to the Centre for Health Protection through the online platforms (for nucleic acid tests or RATs). For further details, please refer to the webpage on Po...
    If the household environment is not suitable for isolation or the original hotel is not available for on-site isolation, inbound persons tested positive would be sent to Community Isolation Facilit...
    A person who is in transit/transfer in Hong Kong; and
    A person who is a Hong Kong resident, and who has commenced his/her journey in Hong Kong and is deemed as an inadmissible person by the authorities of the place of his/her destination.
  5. 2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃. 檢測陽性人士須知. 來港人士安排. 病毒檢測. 新型冠狀病毒感染疫情分布 (世界衞生組織) (只有英文) 最新消息. 更多消息 ... 新聞短片. 新聞稿. 重要資訊: 精神健康小貼士 復課篇. 我應接種多少劑新冠疫苗? 快速抗原測試. 其他重要資訊. 如有查詢,請以電子郵件聯絡我們: enquiry_chpweb@dh.gov.hk. 疫情概覽. 2019冠狀病毒病及流感速遞 ( 數據資料庫 ) 香港的新型冠狀病毒檢測數據. 疫情概覽資料庫. 2019冠狀病毒病的本地最新情況 (早前公佈的個案詳情) (最後發佈於 2023 年 7 月 27 日) 第5波疫情概覽 (數據資料庫) (最後發佈於 2023 年 7 月 27 日)

  6. 外遊時應注意以下預防措施:. 出發前,根據最新建議完成接種2019冠狀病毒病疫苗(新冠疫苗),以抵禦2019冠狀病毒病(有關新冠疫苗的詳細資料,請瀏覽「2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃」專題網站: https://www.chp.gov.hk/tc/features/106934.html );. 在搭乘交通工具或在 ...

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