雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年12月1日 · 邦民於業務以外,積極透過不同活動策劃,實踐ESG及可持續發展理念,以行動及真心真意的態度,與顧客、員工,以至每位香港市民共同邁向美好將來。 加入我們. 邦民以人為本,積極為員工提供公平、開明的工作環境,並提供優厚員工福利、實用的在職培訓和實施一系列的管理計劃,支持員工們盡展所能,全心全意為顧客提供優質服務。 申請有任何疑問? 對於邦民不同的貸款方案,或貸款申請有任何疑問? 我們隨時為您提供協助! 常見問題. 立即申請. 邦民日本財務自1992年開始營業至今,為廣大市民提供方便稱心的貸款服務。 除了一般業務,亦不斷積極透過不同政策與活動,實踐可持續發展理念。

  2. Promise provides self-employed people with low-interest personal loans, no income proof needed. In just a few simple steps, the cash will be available instantly without complicated process. Whether you are self-employed or an entrepreneur, applying for the Promise No-doc Loan will only require your ID card and mobile number.

  3. CEF持續進修基金申請程序. 1.紙本申請. 第一步:到持續進修基金辦事處或各民政諮詢中心索取表格,或可從辦事處網頁下載. 第二步:把已填妥並獲院校/培訓機構蓋印的申請表格正本,連同所需文件副本透過以下方式遞交:. 郵寄或親臨持續進修基金辦事處 ...

    • Maintain A Good Credit Rating
    • Borrow The Right Amount
    • Reduce The Monthly Repayment Amount
    • Guaranteed Repayment Ability

    The success rate of personal loan approval holds a positive correlation to your credit rating. The higher the rating, the more likely your application will be approved. Financial institutions will determine your ability to fulfill your repayment responsibility based on your credit record, thus, maintaining a good credit record is crucial to get app...

    While applying for a loan, you should opt for a reasonable amount based on your actual financial needs and repayment ability, rather than just going for the maximum. Financial institutions will have looser requirements when dealing with lower loan amounts.

    If the loan amount is large and you choose a shorter repayment period, monthly repayment amount would rise accordingly. The lender may worry your ability to repay such a large amount each month and bear a risk of not receiving the full repayment on time. Therefore, extending the repayment period to adjust for an affordable repayment amount may lowe...

    When lenders approve loans, they need to bear the risk of losing money if the borrower cannot repay. If the borrower does not own any collaterals or certifications, their repayment ability can be questioned, lessening the chance of loan approval. However, providing sufficient supporting documents to prove your repayment ability can boost lender con...

  4. 24小時會員專線. 提供不同特快即批私人貸款,靈活應付不同財務需要,助您解決現金周轉問題。 邦民的貸款服務,可網上完成申請手續,全程無需現身,立即了解更多!

  5. Team Promise will always cheer for you! New applicants will get up to HKD10,000 cash reward upon successful loan! Learn more! Apply Online Now. Cheers for life! Round-the-clock instant online approval ⦿! Complete your loan online from the application to cash transfer ^. Instantly resolve your needs anytime *. Apply Online Now. Cheers for the ease!

  6. Common Misconceptions | Promise HK. Important Information. Our Company has recently received reports from our customers concerning fraudulent impersonation of our staff or representatives, demanding repayment of loan. Please click here to know the details. Knowledge on Personal Loan. Common Misconceptions about Loans.