雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. A prospectus in both English and Chinese, must be made available to potential investors in an IPO. You should assess the basic fundamentals of the company by reading the information in the prospectus to make an informed decision about whether to invest. Summary - You may find it easier to start with the "Summary" section which provides a broad ...

  2. In Hong Kong, there are a number of funds listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong ("SEHK"), including open-end funds such as Tracker Fund and closed-end funds. Unlike open-end funds which have no restriction on the number of units, closed-end funds have a fixed number of units. Listed closed-end funds generally do not continuously offer their ...

  3. 錢家有道由 投資者及理財教育委員會(投委會) 負責管理,並獲教育局及四家金融監管機構支持。. 投資者及理財教育委員會 (前稱為投資者教育中心)於2016年4月推出錢家有道並舉行啟動禮。. 啟動禮包括跨媒體教育活動,透過電視、戶外廣告及社交媒體推廣 ...

  4. 但大家不要誤會,「開放式基金型公司」並不是指基金管理公司,而是一種公司形式結構的基金︒. 在香港,獲證監會認可向公眾發售的基金達2,000多隻,當中包括在香港成立及在海外 (例如盧森堡及愛爾蘭等基金中心) 成立的基金。. 這些基金按結構形式分類 ...

  5. 首次公開發售新股. 投資者教育中心與now寬頻電視繼2013年成功推出一系列投資短片後,再度擕手製作另一輯關於投資的訪問系列。. 新一輯的電視節目題為〈談投資.論風險II〉,討論多個熱門投資題目,並就多種產品或規管事宜提供最新資訊,包括:. 加強投資 ...

  6. 我們制訂理財能力策略 2019,旨在透過凝聚各持份 者,達致共同目標,提高社會對理財教育所帶來之 好處的認知,締造有利環境在香港提供更多優質理 財教育。. 此策略乃在先前推出的香港理財能力策略 — 香港金融理財知識和能力策略 2015 — 所奠定的 基礎上 ...

  7. Amount of assets under management (AUM) - There should be at least US$100 million AUM for fund manager of a single hedge fund or a FoHFs. Risk management and internal control systems - The fund managers should have proper, clearly written risk management and control procedures in place that are commensurate with their business profile and risk ...

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