雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年12月12日 · Co-organised by the Development Bureau (DEVB), the National Cultural Heritage Administration and the Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture of the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the exhibition entitled "Under the Same Roof: Origin and ...

  2. 2024年3月8日 · 政府委任醫院管理局成員. ***********. 政府今日三月八日公布委任醫院管理局醫管局三名新成員並再度委任三名現任成員獲委任的新成員中趙偉仁教授以香港中文大學醫學院院長身分獲委任任期兩年由二 二四年二月二十七日至二 二六年二月二十六日。 另外兩名獲委任的新成員為張樟進教授和郭沛濠,任期兩年,由二 二四年四月一日至二 二六年三月三十一日。 張樟進教授是香港大學中醫藥學院教授及醫院中醫服務及發展統籌,同時為香港大學深圳醫院中醫部主管和港怡醫院中醫診所主管。 郭沛濠是博愛醫院資深職業治療師。 獲再度委任的現任成員中,劉澤星教授以香港大學李嘉誠醫學院院長身分續任醫管局成員,任期兩年,由二 二四年二月二十七日至二 二六年二月二十六日。

  3. 2022年3月13日 · The Hospital Authority (HA) announced today (March 13) that Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) in Kowloon Central Cluster (KCC) has been converted to a designated hospital for COVID-19 patients and the process went smoothly.

  4. The exhibition is one of the programmes organised by the LCSD and aims to tie in with the Government's new initiatives in promoting Hong Kong pop culture through a wide range of activities, ranging from pop concerts and performances to thematic exhibitions, film screenings, outdoor and outreach activities, showcasing Hong Kong's unique cultural ...

  5. 2021年11月26日 · The Government announced today (November 26) the reappointment of the incumbent Chairman and two serving members, and the appointment of two new members, to the Hospital Authority (HA). The incumbent Chairman, Mr Henry Fan Hung-ling, and two serving members, Mr Duncan Chiu and Mr Billy Wong Wing-hoo, have been reappointed for a term of two ...

  6. 2020年5月18日 · 已購買相關產品的市民應停止使用如有懷疑或用後感到不適應尋求醫護人員的意見市民可於辦公時間內將產品交予灣仔皇后大道東213號胡忠大廈1801室衞生署藥物辦公室銷毀

  7. 2023年3月22日 · 515. 44. Apart from the above measures, the HA, in line with the key directions recommended by the Task Group on Sustainability, has also progressively enhanced staff retention measures since 2022-23, including: (a) creating opportunities for Associate Consultants to be promoted to Consultant rank so as to retain experienced medical personnel;