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  1. 火車之旅可讓您直達目的地市中心,往返機場既省時又省錢,而且可以避免冗長的報到手續。. 由 JR 經營的「新幹線」又稱「子彈火車」,是當今穿梭日本各地最快也最四通八達的交通網絡。. 如欲瀏覽詳細資料,請參閱下列新幹線清單以了解各個地區相關資訊 ...

  2. Culture's long-lasting reach. Along with the Dutch, the Chinese were the only traders allowed to settle in Nagasaki during Japan's long period of isolation from the 17th to the end of the 19th century. With over 10,000 residents living in the city at the peak of trade, Chinese culture has done nothing but enrich Nagasaki, its influences ...

    • Shinchi-machi, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki-ken
  3. 在日本環球影城,遊覽侏羅紀公園或哈利·波特魔法世界,享受驚險刺激的遊樂設施,觀看特效令你目不暇給的娛樂大片。 壯觀的園區以宏偉規模和匠心細節,如實重塑出哈利波特 故事裡的世界,將您帶入魔法國度! 您可以在連續5年榮獲全球之冠的遊樂設施※展開魔法冒險之旅,也可以在魔法商店 ...

  4. 北海道的大自然適合多種戶外活動,而在山岳湖泊圍繞下的北海道各城市,更有多元化的美食與文化。. 北海道全年都有各種豐富資源。. 夏天溫和的氣候,最適合探索翠綠山丘和國家公園。. 滿佈北海道的湖泊、河川和山岳,是行山、玩踩越野單車、獨木舟及 ...

  5. 另外還能選擇更加輕鬆愉快的豪華火車之旅,例如日本首輛豪華臥舖列車九州七星號(需要事先預約),以及 JR 西日本的黃昏特快瑞風號 (Twilight Express Mizukaze)(西日本)等。. 輛臥舖列車都採用獨一無二的設計,更加貼近旅館的風格。. 乘客可在車上享用美食 ...

  6. 2021年7月21日 · East Japan Railway Company. Starting on Jun 27st, 2021, the JR-EAST Train Reservation internet site for making ticket reservations in Eastern Japan, has become more convenient. In addition to seat reservations, you can also purchase JR East rail passes and Shinkansen e-tickets. In addition, tickets reserved and purchased on the JR-EAST Train ...

  7. Bizen is famed for its distinctive rustic pottery of the same name, produced in diverse forms and prized all over the world. Bizen offers islands to explore, a long cycling course along a defunct railway line, and a seafood market around Hinase that's particularly known

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