雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. MACAU. Located on Hollywood Road, Man Mo Temple was built in 1847 & is one of the oldest traditional-styled temples in Hong Kong dedicated to the gods of literature & war.

  2. LATEST NEWS. MACAU. Polar Adventure in Ocean Park Hong Kong is divided in South Pole Spectacular & North Pole Encounter where visitors can enjoy penguins,arctic fox & snow owls.

  3. 你首先要準備好爬上430級台階和一段陡峭的上山小路。 沿路你會經過幾十個金色的真人大小的佛像,直至你抵達萬佛殿。 名為萬佛寺,其實這裡有大約12800多尊大小佛像。 此外,這裡還有香港唯一的一座月溪法師肉身漆像,現在萬佛殿供奉。 萬佛寺 (Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery)位於沙田,由5座廟宇,4座亭閣和1座寶塔組成。 寺中供奉超過12800座佛像,是名副其實的萬佛寺。

  4. LATEST NEWS. MACAU. Hong Kong Avenue of Comic Stars opens its gate at Kowloon Park to commemorate Hong Kong’s comic artists and comic characters on September 28th , 2012.

  5. PLAN YOUR TRIP. WHAT TO SEE. DINING. SHOPPING. HOTEL. Ocean Park opens up a new attraction "Old Hong Kong" from where you will find lots of old Hong Kong memories, including old star ferry pier, Classic Rickshaw, the Heritage Tram No.120, old style grand theater and British pillar box.

  6. 香港花墟位於太子道,主要出售各種各樣的花卉,價格公道,花卉新鮮。 除此之外,你可以買到各種乾花,花瓶和園藝相關產品。 一到週末,花墟就接踵摩肩,許多香港本地人都會前來轉一轉。

  7. LATEST NEWS. Hong Kong popular Canto-Pop legend and movies star Anita Mui Yim Fong's statue on Avenue of Stars was unveiled in Tsim Sha Tsui.