雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年3月18日 · Travel. Tips. Understanding what is happening in an emergency is very important, but the Japanese terms for natural disasters and dangerous weather can be confusing. This easy guide is a handy cheat sheet to help you stay safe and be able to make smart decisions in the event of a severe weather warning in your area.

  2. 在日本梅雨季和颱風季可不一樣日本的颱風季多在5月延續要10月其中在8月和9月達到尖峰而日本的梅雨季則多為細雨加上烏雲雖然會讓天空看起來有點低迷但可不要因為這點濛濛的小雨破壞你的心情哦

  3. 2017年12月19日 · 6. Hokkaido Snow Rabbit. The Ezo yuki usagi is a mountain hare native to Hokkaido. Its name literally translates to"Hokkaido snow rabbit" (Ezo is the old name for Hokkaido), and it adorably camouflages against its native snow with its fluffy coat of pure white fur. 5. Snowy Owl. The snowy owl, called the shiro-fukuro (literally "white owl") in ...

  4. 雖然北海道前陣子經歷了颱風 與地震的考驗,不過每一位北海道的居民都很努力的在復興家園,也希望觀光客們如期前往觀光,跟大家一起分享北海道的美好。北海道的楓葉也漸漸地紅了,天氣涼爽又舒適,十分適合旅行,所以近期有計劃去北海道的 ...

  5. 2017年6月26日 · The giant panda currently residing at Oji Zoo is a female called Tantan. When she comes outside, you can meet her face-to-face! The red pandas are also a popular attraction at the zoo! Glass tanks give visitors a chance to see polar bears, penguins and other animals at play in the water. The spacious zoo also offers a meeting with a big elephant!

  6. 2019年6月11日 · 在日语里“傘”“笠”“蓋”都读作“KASA”,因为三种东西本来的用途是类似的。 伞和茶、汉字一样,在飞鸟时代(592年 – 710年)从中国传入日本。 在平安时代的古画中可以看到伞的出现,但是那个时候的伞跟现在的形态不太一样,用途也不是遮雨,而是权威的象征(类似皇帝的华盖)。

  7. 2016年4月22日 · Béné no Fukuoka takes us to Ainoshima, the island of cats. #MyJapanStory The #MyJapanStory contest took video submissions highlighting the wonderful appeal of Japan. To be announced March 2016, winners will each receive an award uniquely representative of

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