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  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. a file; a folder; a portfolio

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  2. folder noun [C] (FOR PAPERS) Add to word list. A2. a piece of plastic or cardboard folded down the middle and used for keeping loose papers in. 文件夾. folder noun [C] (COMPUTER) B1. a place on a computer where files or programs can be stored. (電腦的)文件夾. (folder在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) folder的 例句.

  3. 例句與用法. He had asked flora for the croydens' file . 他請弗洛拉取來了克羅伊敦夫婦的 文件夾 。. We raked around in the files , but could n't find the letter . 我們翻遍了 文件夾 ,怎么也找不到那封信。. Opening the folder, nim slid the small pile of letters and attachments across the table . 尼姆 ...

  4. Many translated example sentences containing "文件夾" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

  5. a flat, folding bag that is used for holding documents, for example passports. folder uk / ˈfəʊl.dər/ us / ˈfoʊl.dɚ/ B1 noun. a place on a computer where files or programs can be stored. 蝴蝶文件夾. butterfly clip uk / ˈbʌt.ə.flaɪ ˌklɪp/ us / ˈbʌt̬.ɚ.flaɪ ˌklɪp/ noun UK.

  6. 【文件夾】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:paper file文件夾folder文件夾; 折疊機; 折疊式印刷品;file提出(離婚訴訟或其他訟案); 把…歸檔; 用銼銼; 發稿,寄給報社;。

  7. noun. uk / faɪl / us / faɪl / file noun (CONTAINER) Add to word list. A2 [ C or U ] any of several different types of container used to store papers, letters, and other documents in an ordered way, especially in an office. (尤指辦公室的)文件箱,文件夾,卷宗. a box / envelope file 文件箱/袋. secret / confidential / personnel files 秘密/機密/人事檔案.

  8. 文件夹. 有所遗漏?. 报告错误或提出改进建议. 我有一个文件夹。. 我把所有的电话账单都放在里面。. The lawyer took the documents out of a file folder. Jane kept a folder full of resumes that people had sent in, just in case a job opened up. 简用一个文件夹保存了所有收到的简历,以备有 ...

  9. www.managertoday.com.tw › english › vocabulary文件夾|folder|經理人

    2015年9月24日 · filing cabinet (n.) 檔案. 例句: Could you please make copies of the documents in this folder? 可以請你影印這個資料夾裡的文件嗎? All the folders are filed alphabetically. 所有的資料夾依字母順序歸檔。 內容提供/ EZ TALK編輯部. 圖片來源/ John Keogh via flickr, CC licensed. 訂閱經理人Google News 加入經理人LINE好友. 歡迎訂閱《經理人》電子報,每天進步1%,一年強大37倍! 追蹤我們.

  10. 2023年6月5日 · 每張辦公桌,都是一個人的小天地,桌上各式各樣的文具與用品,但究竟他們的英文分別是什麼呢? 今天就來學學常見的辦公室用品(Office supplies)的英文,一起來看看吧! 文具類(Stationery) Pencil sharpener 削鉛筆機. Scissors 剪刀. Box cutter/ Cutter knife 美工刀. Correction fluid...

  11. 2016年4月15日 · 每張辦公桌,都是一個人的小天地,桌上各式各樣的文具與用品,但究竟他們的英文分別是什麼呢? 今天就來學學常見的辦公室用品(Office supplies)的英文,一起來看看吧! 文具類(Stationery) Pencil sharpener 削鉛筆機. Scissors 剪刀. Box cutter/ Cutter knife 美工刀. Correction fluid 修正液、 Correction tape 立可帶. Stamp 印章. Paperclip 迴紋針. Binder Clip 長尾夾. Clipboard 剪貼板、寫字夾板. File folder 資料/文件夾. Post-it / Sticky note 備忘貼/便條紙.