雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 時代廣場的怪獸大學的展覽為露天廣場和二樓大堂兩個部分。這篇文章主要是關於露天廣場的部分。如果你想走進怪獸們的學生宿舍,可以瀏覽《 怪獸大學在香港時代廣場開學了-宿舍篇(二樓大堂) 》。

  2. Clock Tower, as an icon of Hong Kong, is situated next to TST Victoria Harbour waterfront and was a part of former Kowloon-Canton Railway Terminus.

  3. WHAT TO SEE. DINING. SHOPPING. HOTEL. LATEST NEWS. MACAU. Tsim Sha Tsui Centre & Empire Centre has roughly about 50 shops, stores and restaurant with a mix of fashion, beauty, jewelry/watches, antiques/crafts plus a majority of restaurants.

  4. Award winning Immersions Spa & Health Hub (formerly Bodywize Wellness & Day Spa offers a warm retreat & sanctuary for the stressed & jet-lagged in Hong Kong.

  5. 同朋友分享:. FacebookTwitterRedditTumblr. 青馬橋是世界上最長的行車鐵路雙用懸索吊橋,是香港引以為傲的地標之一。附近的汀九橋和汲水門橋和青馬橋交相輝印,你可以在青衣的西北角是青嶼山幹線訪客中心的觀景台享受這壯觀的景色。.

  6. Polar Adventure in Ocean Park Hong Kong is divided in South Pole Spectacular & North Pole Encounter where visitors can enjoy penguins,arctic fox & snow owls.

  7. MACAU. Plan your trip in Hong Kong with our tips or enjoy a Guided Walking Tour with our insiders.