雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 回憶與致意. 施偉賢爵士 - 香港賽馬會主席 1993-96 (2:14) 周湛燊 - 香港賽馬會副主席 1998-2002 (2:01) 夏佳理 - 香港賽馬會主席 2002-06 (1:30) 陳祖澤 - 香港賽馬會主席 (2:16) 羅格 - 國際奧林匹克委員會主席 (1:21) 哈雅公主 - 國際馬術運動聯合會會長 (0:33)

  2. Chinese residents only began owning horses in 1926, after they were admitted to membership of the Jockey Club. In 1929 Ho Kom-Tong became the first Chinese owner to win the Hong Kong Derby. By 1934 it was estimated ...

  3. Sir Phineas Ryrie, the first chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club in 1884, was also chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce and a Legislative Councillor from 1867 until his death in 1892. He originally came from ...

  4. special.hkjc.com › root2 › marksixHKJC Lotteries Limited

    HKJC Lotteries Limited. Single Entry. Banker Entry. Multiple Entry. Random Entry. The unit investment for each Mark Six Entry is $10 with several types of entry available for selection. For Multiple & Banker entries, a partial unit investment of HK$5 will be accepted; all Prizes will be paid based on the fraction that the Partial Unit ...

  5. Tierce First 4. Triple Trio. Double. Treble Double Trio Quartet. 3 Pick 1 (Composite Win) Winning Trainer (Composite Win) Winning Region (Composite Win) Six Up Jockey Challenge. (B) 足球投注種類之中英文名稱.

  6. 艾辛 車路士陣中的超級引擎,上季因傷長時間休息,就南非世盃都無法出席,但今季傷癒復出後,隨即表現出世界頂級中場的實力,幾乎每場比賽都能夠支配整條中場線,完全無法想像曾經長時間受傷。艾辛踢法攻守兼備,可以勝任中後場任何位置,主要工作是借助無窮體力破壞對手攻勢,但又 ...

  7. 在馬會資助下,座落沙田的香港體育學院於1982年竣工,為具備體育天賦的運動員提供完善的訓練及培訓設施,協助他們在國際體壇爭取佳績。成功的例子包括「香港奧運第一金」麗珊及有「亞洲車神」雅譽的香港首席單車好手黃金寶。

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