雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Johny joined Apple in 2008 to lead development of the A4, the first Apple-designed system on a chip. Prior to Apple, Johny held senior positions at Intel and IBM in the area of processor development and design. He earned both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Computer Science from Technion, Israel’s Institute of Technology. . 管理层 ...

  2. Software Engineering. Craig Federighi is Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Craig oversees the development of iOS and macOS. His teams are responsible for delivering the software at the heart of Apple’s innovative products, including the user interface, applications and frameworks.

  3. Apple 2021 全球开发者大会连续第二年采用完全虚拟的形式召开之际,来自全球各地数百万参与者中,将包括一群非常特别的年轻人——来自 35 个国家和地区的 350 位 Swift 学生挑战赛获奖者。 这些获奖者由 Apple 年度 WWDC 学生挑战赛中被选拔出来。 每个人都通过提交一件 Swift Playground 原创作品来展示自己的编程与问题解决技能,从而在赛事中脱颖而出。 “每一年,我们都因 Swift 学生挑战赛的参与者们展现出的天赋与才智而倍感振奋。 ”Apple 全球开发者关系、企业与教育产品营销副总裁 Susan Prescott 表示,“今年,我们无比骄傲地看到比往届更多的年轻女性参赛并获奖。 我们将不遗余力地继续扶持这一进程,直到实现真正的性别平等。

  4. Chief Financial Officer. Luca Maestri is Apple’s senior vice president and chief financial officer reporting to CEO Tim Cook. As CFO, Luca oversees the accounting, business support, financial planning and analysis, treasury, real estate, investor relations, internal audit and tax functions at Apple.

  5. Sabih Khan is Apple’s senior vice president of Operations reporting to COO Jeff Williams. Sabih is in charge of Apple’s global supply chain, ensuring product quality and overseeing planning, procurement, manufacturing, logistics and product fulfillment functions, as well as Apple’s supplier responsibility programs that protect and educate ...

  6. John Giannandrea is Apple’s senior vice president of Machine Learning and AI Strategy, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. John joined Apple in 2018 and oversees the strategy for artificial intelligence and machine learning across the company and development of Core ML and Siri technologies.

  7. Apple Orchard Road 是 Apple 在东南亚开设的首个零售店。 周六开业当天,便有数千名顾客排队进入店内,一探究竟。 当天上午 10 点,来自 Apple 的 Angela Ahrendts 和店内 237 名员工一起,打开店门,迎接冒着酷暑连夜排队等候的顾客。 Apple 东南亚首家零售店于 5 月 27 日星期六开业迎客。 Apple 零售高级副总裁 Angela Ahrendts 欢迎顾客来到 Apple 在东南亚开设的首家零售店。 在论坛区举办的“Today at Apple”是一项全新的店内活动,带来了 60 场免费的实践课程。 由 Castagna 打造的双曲面石楼梯则凸显了 Apple Orchard Road 的建筑风格。