雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Location. 2/F Happy Valley Stand, Happy Valley Racecourse. Reservations. 2966 7111. (Non-racedays) For racedays, please click here for more details. Opening Hours. (Last order: 30 minutes before closing time) Mondays to Fridays. Lunch: 12:00noon - 3:00pm. Dinner: 6:30pm - 10:30pm. Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. Lunch: 10:30am - 3:30pm.

  2. 博彩要有節制 未滿十八歲人士不得投注或進入可投注的地方。 向非法或海外莊家下注,即屬違法,且可被判監禁。 切勿沉迷賭博,如需尋求輔導協助,可致電平和基金熱線1834 633。 入場及投注人士須年滿十八歲,切勿沉迷賭博。

  3. 綵衣的設計必須採用印於綵衣式樣圖表上的標準圖案與顏色任何其他設計一律恕不批准。 全套綵衣的設計,不得超過四種顏色。 馬主如須為綵衣式樣進行註冊,請將已填妥的 綵衣式樣註冊申請表 提交賽事秘書處審批。

  4. Introduction 序 Yu, or the cuisine with its origins in Henan has an ancient history. It was first seen in the Xia Dynasty, China’s first dynasty, and is credited with the invention of cooking. The first formal feast in China’s recorded history is the feast of the Xia Dynasty

  5. Online Membership Services and Members’ Mobile App Maintenance (issued Friday, 17 May) 2. Twilight Race Meetings in June and July (issued Wednesday, 15 May)

  6. THE HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB MEMBERS’ MAGAZINE JULY 2023 SEASON FINALE A climactic end to a thrilling term. Made with FlippingBook. RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy Mzk0MDg2. 無需下載,無需等待,打開即可開始閱讀!.

  7. The Millions, 3/F Happy Valley Stand, Happy Valley Racecourse 跑馬地馬場快活看台三樓 百萬廂房 Male Toilet 男洗手間 Female Toilet 女洗手間 Lift Lobby 升降機大堂 Capacity : 19 round tables 廂房容量 : 19 圓桌