雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Cherry Blossom. Spring. During April Tokyo is carpeted with soft pink cherry blossoms, and there’s definitely no shortage of hanami sites dotted throughout the city. But Shinjuku’s popular Gyoen Garden is one of the best spots in all of Tokyo to really soak up the vibrant Spring atmosphere.

  2. Tokyo's cherry blossom hot spot. Home to over one thousand cherry trees, Tokyo's Ueno Park transforms into a sea of pink blossoms in late March and early April. The Ueno Cherry Blossom Festival is one of the biggest and most crowded in all of Japan.

  3. 大山隱岐附近的其他公園. 大山隱岐國家公園擁有美麗而悠久的歷史。. 這裡擁有山岳、火山和迷人群島,是多個聖地景點的所在之處,亦流傳著許多古老神話。.

  4. 吉野山賞櫻. 鮮有地方的櫻花,能比 [吉野] (destinations/kansai/nara/yoshino-area/)的櫻花更讓人屏息。. 穿越小山村和數千櫻花棵盛開的小路,來到 [吉野山] (spot/985/)的山頂,一覽日本獨一無二的景色。.

  5. 熱海城的海拔高 120 公尺,且「看起來」歷史悠久。. 熱海城是在 1959 年以安土桃山時代 (1568-1600) 的城堡為靈感興建而成,是日本歷史較短的城堡之一。. 不過從城堡頂層能欣賞到壯麗的景色,且亦能在此地進行許多有趣的活動。.

  6. 可愛動物園和仙人掌溫室. 這座動物園位於 大室山 山腳,是一座超乎您想像、奇特中又表現出獨特個性的動物園。. 除了仙人掌和其他多肉植物外,伊豆仙人掌動物公園還有來自墨西哥、馬達加斯加等國家或地區大約 1,500 種植物,您還可以近距離觀賞各種動物 ...

  7. Maintaining a natural, green space among the gleaming, high-rise buildings of nearby Shiodome , Hama-rikyu Gardens are a bastion of calm in the heart of downtown Tokyo. These scenic gardens, once reserved for Imperial use only, were opened to the public in 1946.

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