雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Safety tips for travelers. 本網站提供各種資訊,. 協助保障訪日外國人旅客的旅途安全。. 首頁. 在發生緊急狀況時. 災害應急會話. 應用程式. 「Safety tips」. 首頁 > 在發生緊急狀況時.

  2. 緊急地震快報 緊急地震快報為地震發生後預測到強震時由氣象廳發布的警報。能夠預測強震發生的時刻與震度,並在強震開始前盡可能地在第一時間告知群眾。 緊急地震快報可透過電視、收音機廣播、手機、智慧型手機等,播放專用的警告鈴給予通知。

  3. With respect to availability of transportation, please note that schedules may be subject to change in the event of an emergency such as a disaster. Please refer to the information provided by the relevant business operators. In the event of an emergency such as a disaster, please check the website of the embassy of your country in Japan. The ...

  4. 发布气象警报了. 可能发生重大灾害时发布,呼吁相应地区进行警戒。. 关注自治体发布的避难准备信息,必要时迅速避难。. ・尽快确认住宿设施等状况,前往安全场所避难。. ・不要接近危险的场所。. 本网站面向来访日本的外国游客,提供帮助他们安全旅行的 ...

  5. Please immediately evacuate from anywhere in danger. ・Obtain the latest information, including evacuation information, via TV, radio, the Internet, the local government’s website, or other sources. ・If you are from abroad, check what Japanese people around you are doing, and evacuate yourself to a safe place as early as possible.

  6. 發佈了中暑警報時. 在室內. 請打開空調. 室內也會發生中暑情況。. 請拉上窗簾,使用空調或風扇調節房間的溫度。. 請補充水分. 感到口渴之前,請勤喝水或攝取鹽分。. 本網站提供各種資訊,協助保障訪日外國人旅客的旅途安全。.

  7. Japan Official Travel App” is the official smartphone app provided by JNTO, delivering up-to-date information about traveling in Japan for a safe and comfortable journey.