雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 海外升學澳洲 相關

  2. 了解英國大學學位、英國聯招(UCAS)申請辦法、大學銜接課程科目選擇、收生要求及學費等升學資訊. 香港學生可透過本中心報讀超過 125 所英國大學的大學及銜接課程

    • 英國大學預備班



    • 英國TOP-UP學位



  3. 擁有多年英、美、加拿大、澳洲和紐西蘭的升學顧問服務,龐大的學校網絡,立即預約!

  4. 西班牙歷史最悠久英語授課牙醫系學士學位,歷屆校友牙醫師執業地遍佈歐美亞及大中華區! 大三起在地臨床實習看診,畢業後可取得歐洲牙醫執照當地就業,留學、就業、移民一步到位!


  1. special.hkjc.com › ocb › lohas-b288The LOHAS Shop - HKJC

    Play Responsibly No person under 18 is allowed to bet or enter premises where bets are accepted. Betting with illegal or overseas bookmakers is against the law and offenders may be liable to imprisonment. Don't gamble your life away. Call Ping Wo Fund hotline

  2. Don't gamble your life away. Call Ping Wo Fund hotline 1834 6333 if you need help or counselling. HKJC experience shops have integrated catering, leisure and betting services in one location, bringing a whole new entertainment experience to customers.

  3. Kwun Tong Plaza shop acoomodates a convenient relaxing place with glamping-theme restaurant (Turfland) and training facilities for customers to entertain.

  4. Central, Stanley Street shop offers enhanced betting facilities, quality F&B services (Lady M and Tic Tac Room) and themed leisure activities. Play Responsibly No person under 18 is allowed to bet or enter premises where bets are accepted. Betting with illegal or ...

  5. 他在澳洲曾是叱吒一時的騎師,在32年鞍上生涯中,合共勝出2,278場頭馬,當中119場是澳洲 、法國和英國三地的一級賽。佐治摩亞來港後旋即贏得「谷中之王」的美譽。 佐治摩亞非常專業,練馬技術超卓,對馬圈瞭如指掌,加上有兩名騎功了得的兒子摩 ...

  6. special.hkjc.com › root2 › football香港賽馬會 - HKJC

    澳洲 職業聯賽 比利時甲組聯賽 巴西甲組聯賽 巴西聖保羅省聯賽 智利甲組聯賽 ... U21歐國外 國際賽 男奧足 女奧足 洲際國家盃 世盃 世盃外 女子世盃 世青盃 女子世青盃 ...

  7. You may download the useful application forms here: