雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 遊戲王卡片系列之一。收錄於卡包INFO、ROTA的持有抽卡效果的「マルチャミー」單卡集,其效果被調侃是「增殖的G」的效果拆分。 中文名: 【官译】[简中]多多迷宝・噗噜海月 [繁中] ? 【民译】[NW]欢聚友伴·抖抖海月水母 [CN]多多密友 噗噜利亚 日文名:マルチャミー・プルリア 英文名:Mulcharmy ...

    • TCG Rulings
    • OCG Rulings
    • Previously Official Rulings
    • Notes
    • References

    Mentions in Other Rulings

    •White Night Dragon: If you control your opponent's monster with "Snatch Steal" while you have "White Night Dragon" in play and your opponent attacks the equipped monster, if you send "Snatch Steal" to the Graveyard to change the attack target no replay occurs. If the effect of "White Night Dragon" is negated by "Skill Drain" a replay does occur.

    •If "Snatch Steal" is switched to a new monster with "Tailor of the Fickle" during the Battle Step, then a replay occurs.

    •While "Skill Drain" is active and you control your opponent's "White Night Dragon" because of "Snatch Steal", if your opponent attacks, then you can activate the effect of "White Night Dragon" and send "Snatch Steal" to the Graveyard. However, "White Night Dragon" will not change the attack target to itself because it changed sides. After this, a Replay occurs because the number of monster you control changed.

    Mentions in Other Rulings

    •Amazoness Tiger: If both players control a face-up "Amazoness Tiger" and you use "Snatch Steal" on your opponent's "Amazoness Tiger", then that "Amazoness Tiger" is destroyed after coming to your side of the field. •Amplifier: You cannot activate a card that would cause an infinite loop because its effect cannot resolve completely. Example #1: You activate "Snatch Steal" targeting your opponent's "Jinzo". You then equip "Jinzo" with "Amplifier". You cannot activate "Imperial Order" because it cannot resolve completely (it would negate "Snatch Steal", returning "Jinzo" to your opponent, which would negate "Imperial Order" so "Snatch Steal" would re-activate). If you activate "Imperial Order" by mistake in such a situation, flip it face-down again. ... •Bad Reaction to Simochi: If you have this card and "Snatch Steal" on the field, the opponent will take 1000 points of damage during each of his/her Standby Phases and you still control their equipped monster. •Blindly Loyal Goblin: Your opponent cannot use "Change of Heart", "Snatch Steal", or "Brain Control" on your face-up "Blindly Loyal Goblin". •Charmer: If your opponent takes control of your monster with “Snatch Steal”, and you activate the Flip Effect of a “Charmer” to take it back, you keep control while the “Charmer” is face-up on the field. •Chthonian Soldier: If the opponent takes control of your "Chthonian Soldier" with "Snatch Steal" and you attack it next turn, its effect will not activate because when it is sent to your Graveyard, it was not your opponent's monster that attacked it. •Collected Power: You can move "Snatch Steal" with this card's effect, and it will affect the newly equipped monster (the controller of "Snatch Steal" gains control of it, and loses control of the previously equipped monster). •Creature Swap: A player may select a monster that is equipped with "Snatch Steal". The original owner of the creature, who now controls the creature again, will still gain 1000 Life Points each turn from the opponent's "Snatch Steal" card as long as it remains on the field. •Cyber Raider: You cannot equip an inappropriate Equip Spell Card like ... "Snatch Steal" to "Cyber Raider" with his effect. •D.D. Guide: If Player A uses "Snatch Steal" to take control of the "D.D. Guide" they Normal Summoned, then they will be the one to lose a card from the Graveyard each End Phase. •Dark Mimic LV3: If you take control of your opponent's "Dark Mimic LV1" with "Snatch Steal", you can send it to the Graveyard during your Standby Phase to Special Summon your "Dark Mimic LV3". •Different Dimension Gate: When your opponent's monster on your side of the field that you control with ... "Snatch Steal" is removed with "Different Dimension Gate", it returns to your side of the field when "Different Dimension Gate" is destroyed, and then immediately returns to your opponent's side of the field. •Dimensionhole: If you control your opponent's monster with ... "Snatch Steal" and you remove it from play with "Dimensionhole", during your following Standby Phase when the monster is returned to your side of the field it is immediately moved to your opponent's side of the field. •Dramatic Rescue: If your opponent activates "Snatch Steal" to take control of your Amazoness, and you chain "Dramatic Rescue", "Snatch Steal"'s effect disappears. •Ectoplasmer: If you Tribute your opponent's monster that you controlled with "Snatch Steal" ..., your opponent takes the damage even though it was their monster. •Gearfried the Swordmaster: If your opponent equips "Snatch Steal" to your "Gearfried the Swordmaster", the effect of "Snatch Steal" resolves first and control changes. Then the effect of "Gearfried the Swordmaster" activates and your opponent gets to select which monster is destroyed. •Gora Turtle of Illusion: If "Gora Turtle of Illusion" is equipped with "Snatch Steal", both effects of "Snatch Steal" are negated. But if "Skill Drain" is activated, then "Gora Turtle of Illusion"'s effect is negated, and "Snatch Steal"'s effects will resolve properly. •Guardian Elma: You cannot equip inappropriate Equip Spell Cards like ... "Snatch Steal" to "Guardian Elma" with her effect. •Heart of Clear Water: A monster equipped with this card cannot be destroyed by a card that targets, but it may still be declared a target. So the opponent may activate ... "Snatch Steal" targeting your monster equipped with "Heart of Clear Water". •Interdimensional Matter Transporter: If you control your opponent's monster because of ... "Snatch Steal", and remove the monster with "Interdimensional Matter Transporter", the monster returns to your side of the field, then immediately returns to your opponent's side of the field. •Kaiser Collosseum: Your opponent cannot use "Monster Reborn", "Scapegoat", etc. while "Kaiser Colosseum" prevents him from placing new monsters. However, your opponent CAN use "Change of Heart", "Snatch Steal", etc. •Last Turn: You can activate "Last Turn" and select your opponent's monster that you control with "Snatch Steal". However, after selecting it, "Snatch Steal" is sent to the Graveyard so control of the monster returns to the turn player. The turn player then Special Summons for "Last Turn" but no special Battle Phase is conducted. The victory check is still conducted in the End Phase. •Obsidian Dragon: If you use "Snatch Steal" to take control of your opponent's DARK monster while you control "Obsidian Dragon", "Snatch Steal" is negated and destroyed, and the DARK monster is returned to your opponent. •Ojama Trio: When your opponent activates "Snatch Steal", and you chain "Ojama Trio" to fill up his/her remaining Monster Zones, then there is no room for the stolen monster, and it is destroyed. •Rare Metalmorph: If you chain "Rare Metalmorph" to an effect like "Snatch Steal" that targets a monster, "Snatch Steal" is equipped but its effect is negated while "Rare Metalmorph" is active. •Remove Brainwashing: When "Snatch Steal" is active, the +1000 Life Points effect is applied even if "Remove Brainwashing" has returned control of the monster to the original owner. •Remove Brainwashing: If your opponent takes control of your monster with "Snatch Steal", etc., and you activate "Relinquished"'s effect on your next turn to equip the monster to "Relinquished", and your opponent chains "Remove Brainwashing" to "Relinquished"'s effect, control of the monster returns to you before "Relinquished"'s effect resolves and, since you cannot use "Relinquished"'s effect on monsters on your side of the field, "Relinquished"'s effect disappears. •Rivalry of Warlords: If "Rivalry of Warlords" is active and you take control of your opponent's face-up monster with "Change of Heart" or "Snatch Steal", and that monster is a different Type than your other face-up monster(s), your opponent's monster is destroyed [sic].[Notes 1] •Spirit Reaper: You cannot activate "Snatch Steal" or "Change of Heart" and target "Spirit Reaper" if you do not have an empty Monster Card Zone. •Thunder Nyan Nyan: "Thunder Nyan Nyan" can be destroyed by her own effect between steps in a chain. For example, the opponent targets your "Thunder Nyan Nyan" with "Snatch Steal". You chain "Call of the Haunted" to Special Summon "Dark Magician" from your Graveyard, a DARK monster. The chain resolves as follows: "Call of the Haunted" resolves, "Thunder Nyan Nyan" is destroyed because there is a DARK monster on the field, "Snatch Steal"'s effect disappears because the target is no longer on the field. •Trap Monster: If an effect that destroys Trap Cards is used against “Embodiment of Apophis”, you can use “Fake Trap” to prevent it from being destroyed. When preventing the destruction of “Embodiment of Apophis”, you must be using a card of the appropriate type. You cannot use “My Body as a Shield” to rescue it from “Heavy Storm”. You cannot use “Fake Trap” to rescue it from “Raigeki”. You can use “Riryoku Field” when “Embodiment of Apophis” is targeted by “Snatch Steal”, but not when it’s targeted by “Mystical Space Typhoon”. You can use any of these effects to protect “Embodiment of Apophis” from “Raigeki Break” because “Raigeki Break” can destroy a Monster card or a Trap Card. •Trap Monster: If your opponent controls your “Embodiment of Apophis” as a monster with “Snatch Steal” ..., and it is flipped face-down, it goes to your opponent’s Spell & Trap Card Zone because he is the controller. •Trap Monster: If your opponent controls your “Embodiment of Apophis” as a monster with “Snatch Steal”, and “Jinzo” is Summoned, it returns to your Spell & Trap Card Zone and remains there meaninglessly. ... •Union Monster: If an equipped monster is taken by the opponent (such as with "Snatch Steal"), the Union Monster remains where it is, although it is still equipped to the monster, and the player who controls the Union Monster can detach it and it is Special Summoned to that player's side of the field. (So if I have "X-Head Cannon" equipped with "Z-Metal Tank", and my opponent uses "Snatch Steal" on "X-Head Cannon", on my next Main Phase I can detach "Z-Metal Tank" and it is Special Summoned onto my side of the field because I still control it.) •Winged Kuriboh: Because the effect of "Winged Kuriboh" activates in the Graveyard, it is the original owner that will get the effect. So if the opponent took control with "Change of Heart" or "Snatch Steal", if it is destroyed then it goes to the original owner's Graveyard and they get the effect. •Woodland Sprite: If you opponent activates "Snatch Steal" and equips it to your "Woodland Sprite", they may choose to activate its effect and send "Snatch Steal" to the Graveyard. You will take 500 damage, and then control of "Woodland Sprite" would return to you.

    1.Monsters sent to the Graveyard by "Rivalry of Warlords" due to their Type are not destroyed.

    2.The latest errata of "Gearfried the Iron Knight" makes it clear that its effect is a Trigger Effect. This ruling could only be the case if it was a Continuous Effect.

    1.Konami FAQ: [Replay] With "Snatch Steal" and "Tailor of the Fickle" etc, does a Replay occur?

    2.Konami FAQ: When "White Night Dragon" sends an equipped "Snatch Steal" to the Graveyard to activate its effect which changes the attack target, is the effect applied?

    3.Konami FAQ: [Replay] When "Snatch Steal" is used as a cost to activate the effect of "White Night Dragon", does a Replay occur?

    4.Konami FAQ: Can you use the effect of "Gilford the Legend" to equip a monster with something like "Premature Burial"?

    5.Konami Judge Program Forum: Individual Email Rulings VS Individual Card Rulings

    6.UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [A-C]

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