雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Apple leadership biographies include Apple’s executive team responsibilities and experience. Learn more about Apple’s leadership team. 管理层简介 Tim Cook CEO Katherine Adams Senior Vice President and General

  2. Tor Myhren is Apple’s vice president of Marketing Communications, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Tor joined Apple in 2016 from Grey, where he was president and worldwide chief creative officer. As head of the Marketing Communications group, Tor leads a talented and creative team focused on Apple’s advertising, internet presence, package design ...

  3. 秉承周文中“东与西,古与今”再融合的创作理念、藉由 Apple 生态系统和支持杜比全景声的空间音频技术为制作基础,九组来自中国和世界各地的音乐人展开创作,探索声音的无限可能,并由此引发更深度的文化交汇. 《活水》合辑共集结 9 组音乐人,(从左至 ...

  4. Senior Vice PresidentMachine Learning andAI Strategy. John Giannandrea is Apple’s senior vice president of Machine Learning and AI Strategy, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. John joined Apple in 2018 and oversees the strategy for artificial intelligence and machine learning across the company and development of Core ML and Siri technologies.

  5. 通过 Today at Apple 创想营北京项目,Apple、导师、嘉宾们以及包括中国扶贫基金会和友成企业家扶贫基金会在内的社区合作伙伴为在北京的打工青年们提供了一次探索自身创造力的机会。. Today at Apple 创想营为世界各地未受充分重视的社群提供职业发展指导和艺术 ...

  6. Apple 任命无线技术副总裁葛越为副总裁及大中华区董事总经理。 葛越表示:“我很荣幸有这个机会在中国代表Apple,与我们非常有才华的团队更紧密合作。Apple 所有人都对为我们业务所在的社区做出的贡献感到自豪,我期待着加深我们团队与中国顾客、政府和企业的联系,以推动创新和可持续发展。

  7. Apple Music 囊括数百万首歌曲,并特别呈现陈迅、荣浩、林俊杰和邓紫棋等华语乐坛音乐人,以及 Taylor Swift、Ed Sheeran 等在内的一系列国际艺人的精彩内容。. 用户还可以通过 iTunes Store® 租借或购买来自中国以及好莱坞电影公司的精选影片,并通过 iBooks Store ...