雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年8月8日 · 香港特首选战:叶刘淑仪何许人也. 叶刘淑仪是首名掌管香港纪律部队的女性官员,曾坚决捍卫自己被称为"扫把头"的发型:"如果我连发型都捍卫不 ...

  2. 2024年7月20日 · 香港香島長青中樂團指揮葉敢新是香島中學第 22 屆校友。 Credit: Mr. Hon Ming Lai. 香島長青中樂團其實成立不久,但班底主要是曾就讀於香港香島中學的舊生,他們唸書時不忘學樂器,還參加過不同的校際比賽, 得到不少獎項。 有不少香島中學畢業生選擇在音樂領域發展,但由於年事漸長,加上空餘時間多了,於是便萌生了組織一個中樂團的想法,結果香島長青中樂團便因而誕生。 除了這批中流砥柱外,香島長青中樂團還招攬了一些新血,希望能夠做到「薪火相傳」。 墨爾本肇風中樂團指揮陳一平。 Credit: Mei Lam. 至於享負盛名的二胡演奏家霍世潔老師,她來自台灣,19 歲已贏得全台灣胡琴獨奏冠軍。 到了 20 歲時,霍老師便決定前去香港發展她的音樂事業。

  3. 2024年5月2日 · A successful businesswoman and mum confronts a childhood of repeat sexual abuse by her dad as he prepares to leave prison. She grapples with whether opening old wounds is worth it, but she's ...

  4. Through the storytelling and languages of 10 diverse Indigenous women, NITV marks International Women's Day from an Indigenous perspective. Some of the country's leading writers and authors ...

  5. 2021年6月30日 · Australian universities have failed to protect the academic freedom of students from China and Hong Kong, as well as academics who criticise the Chinese Communist Party, a new report by Human Rights Watch says. New data has found that applications for Australian universities from international students have dropped 51 per cent. Source: SBS.

  6. The Castle: Cheat Sheet. As 'The Castle' turns 20, we look into why this beloved Aussie comedy resonates as strongly as it did in 1997. Source: SBS Movies.

  7. Foreign Minister Penny Wong and Sophie Allouache have tied the knot after nearly two decades together. The couple were married in Adelaide on Saturday in a ceremony attended by Prime Minister ...

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