雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 蕭萬長 (1939年1月3日 —), 中華民國 政治人物,生於 日治台灣 臺南州 嘉義市,曾任 中華民國副總統 、 行政院院長 、 立法委員 、 行政院大陸委員會 主任委員、 經濟部 部長、 經濟建設委員會 主任委員、 經濟部國際貿易局 局長與 中國國民黨副主席 等黨、政要職。 蕭萬長是少數從基層擢升,兼具 外交 、 经济 、 中国大陆 事務與政黨事務經歷的 談判 人才,在政壇上有「微笑老蕭」之稱。 曾屢次作为代表率團參加 博鳌亚洲论坛 以及 亚太经济合作组织 會議,并先後會見過 中共中央總書記 胡锦涛 、 习近平 、 中华人民共和国國務院總理 李克强 與 美国总统 巴拉克·歐巴馬 等要員。 他也是第一位在 臺灣 出生的中華民國行政院院長。

  2. 2024年8月25日 · 蕭萬長 (1939年1月3日 —), 中華民國 政治人物,生於 日治台灣 臺南州 嘉義市,曾任 中華民國副總統 、 行政院院長 、 立法委員 、 行政院大陸委員會 主任委員、 經濟部 部長、 經濟建設委員會 主任委員、 經濟部國際貿易局 局長與 中國國民黨副主席 等黨、政要職。 蕭萬長是少數從基層擢升,兼具 外交 、 經濟 、 中國大陸 事務與政黨事務經歷的 談判 人才,在政壇上有「微笑老蕭」之稱。 曾屢次作為代表率團參加 博鰲亞洲論壇 以及 亞太經濟合作組織 會議,並先後會見過 中共中央總書記 胡錦濤 、 習近平 、 中華人民共和國國務院總理 李克強 與 美國總統 巴拉克·歐巴馬 等要員。 他也是第一位在 臺灣 出生的中華民國行政院院長。

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2023年11月8日 · 年年蕭萬長,事事蕭萬長」,自1970年代晚期起,他常常替台灣參加各種國際談判,並五度代表總統參加APEC領袖會議,即使在卸下副總統重任後退休,仍帶領工商團體奔走歐美亞及大陸,並成立「兩岸企業家峰會」,替他們架設高層平台。

  5. 蕭萬長(1939年 1月3號—)係臺灣政治人,嘉義市。 做過 中華民國行政院院長 同 中國國民黨 副主席,喺政壇上有個外號叫「微笑老蕭」。 喺 2000年 嗰陣同 連戰 拍檔代表 國民黨 參選 2000年總統大選 。

  6. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Vincent_SiewVincent Siew - Wikipedia

    • Early Life
    • Political Career
    • Ministry of Economic Affairs
    • Council For Economic Planning and Development
    • Mainland Affairs Council
    • Roc Premiership
    • Roc Vice Presidency
    • Post Political Career
    • Personal Life
    • See Also

    Born in Chiayi City in the then Japanese colony of Taiwan on 3 January 1939, Siew graduated from Chiayi High School in 1957. In 1961, he graduated from the Department of Diplomacy at National Chengchi University (NCCU). After completing his conscription, he passed the Foreign Affairs Special Examination of 1962. He subsequently received his master'...

    In April 1966, he was appointed as vice consul at the ROC Consulate-General in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and promoted as consul in 1969, a position he held until 1972. During his office term, he built close relationship between Taiwan and the governments and people of Malaysia and Singapore. He also successfully negotiated the establishment of the Tr...

    With the appointment of new Premier on 1 June 1990, Siew was appointed as Minister of Economic Affairs. His appointment came at a time of problems with environment, stagnant investment and slow economic growth. Within six months, he managed to settle a five-year dispute with environmentalists that had been blocking Chinese Petroleum Corporation's c...

    CEPD Vice Chairmanship

    In 1988-1989, he was appointed as the Vice Chairman of Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) in which during his office term, he promoted major infrastructure projects, such as the straightening of Keelung River, the placement of Taipei City rail lines underground, the construction of the East-West Highway, the diversion of Chichi River and the expansion of Kaohsiung International Airport.

    CEPD Chairmanship

    In February 1993, Siew was appointed as the Chairman of CEPD. In June 1993, he announced his economic stimulus package aiming at promoting steady economic growth, as Taiwan's economy was at that time experiencing stagnant export growth and production levels. In August 1993, he completed a review of the Six-Year National Development Plan of the ROC and assigned priorities to projects on the basis of availability of resources and the maintenance of financial stability. In July 1994, he undertoo...

    1993 and 1994 APEC

    As the chairman, he represented President Lee Teng-hui, who was forbidden to attend personally, at the 1993 and 1994 annual APEC leaders' summits held in November 1993 and November 1994 at Seattle, United States and Bogor, Indonesia respectively. At both meetings, he presented papers on Taiwan's successful experience in the development of agriculture and small and medium-sized enterprises. The action plans proposed in the papers won the approval of APEC support and helped promote Taiwan in th...

    On 15 December 1994, Siew was appointed to become the Minister of Mainland Affairs Council replacing Huang Kun-huei. During his office term, he proposed a fresh series of measures and actions to relax restrictions on trade with and investment in Mainland Chinato encourage the development of Cross-Strait relations through trade and investment activi...

    Premiership appointment

    Siew was appointed as the Premier by President Lee Teng-hui after the 15th National Congress of Kuomintang held in August 1997 in Taipei. Siew took office on 1 September 1997.

    Taiwan's nuclear waste storage in Mainland China

    Premier Siew instructed Taiwan Power Company to sign the unpublished agreement with Mainland China regarding Taiwan's nuclear waste storage in Gansu province. A memorandum of it was signed during his term as Premier, although it was later suspended after the transfer of power in 2000 to Premier Tang Fei.

    2000 presidential election

    On 18 March 2000, Siew joined the 2000 presidential election as a candidate for vice president with his running mate Lien Chan. However, Siew and Lien lost the election to Chen Shui-bian and Annette Lu of the Democratic Progressive Party.

    2008 ROC vice presidential election

    In May 2007, Siew was mentioned as a possible running mate for KMT presidential nominee Ma Ying-Jeou. This speculation came to fruition after Legislative Yuan Speaker Wang Jin-pyng declined Ma's offer to be his running mate. On 23 June 2007, ending weeks of speculation, Ma formally introduced Siew to be his vice-presidential running mate.The 2008 run is Siew's second ticket, having been selected also as the vice-presidential candidate of Lien Chan's KMT ticket in 2000. On March 22, Ma and Sie...

    2008 Boao Forum for Asia

    On 11 April 2008, Vincent Siew departed Taiwan to attend the Boao Forum for Asia, held in Boao, Hainan, which is administered by mainland China. Siew is a founding delegate of the forum from 2001, and he attended once again in his capacity as chairman of the Cross-Straits Common Market Foundation. Siew had met with Chinese Communist Party general secretary Hu Jintao in Bo'ao in 2001. However, his special status as the vice president-elect in 2008 made his attendance more significant, but also...

    Vice presidency sworn-in

    Siew, along with Ma, was sworn in on 20 May 2008 in Taipei to be Vice Presidentand President of the Republic of China respectively.

    2014 Boao Forum for Asia

    Siew, in his capacity as the honorary chairman of the Cross-Straits Common Market Foundation, attended the Boao Forum for Asia held in April 2014 in Hainan where he met with Premier Li Keqiang. He reiterated the intention of Taiwan to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. He also told Li that Taiwan and Mainland China should push for greater bilateral trade liberalization to build a comprehensive economic relationship and express Taiwan's wish to join the regional economy.

    2014 APEC China

    In November 2014 in his capacity of the Economic Leader of Chinese Taipei, Siew flew to Beijing to attend the APEC China 2014 where he met with Chinese Communist Party general secretary Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People. Both leaders agreed that there should be no changes in the 1992 Consensus and two other principles in pushing forward with the development of cross-Strait relations. Xi said that although relations of both sides have seen some progress over the past few years, there...

    Siew is married to Susan Chu (Chinese: 朱俶賢; pinyin: Zhū Chùxián; Wade–Giles: Chu1 Ch'u4-hsien2) with three daughters: Ru-ting (蕭如婷), Ru-fen (蕭如芬) and Jhih-you (蕭至佑). Susan is a graduate from the Department of International Trade of National Chengchi University. Siew speaks Hokkien, Mandarin and English. Siew's constant smile has earned him the affe...

  7. 1994年1月15日 · 而身兼行政院GATT策略小組召集人、APEC總統特使,避開敏感的國際政治氛圍,以財經為主色、外交為襯底的經建會主委蕭萬長,在國家新策略中,無疑是一顆最活的棋。

  8. www.wikiwand.com › zh › 蕭萬長蕭萬長 - Wikiwand
