雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月24日 · 活期存款靈活而且方便,能夠幫助大家理財,亦可減輕通脹對生活的壓力。我們將透過這篇文章說明活期存款的基本概念,以及如何在眾多銀行優惠中挑選最適合自己的高息活期存款。

  2. 2023年2月21日 · 定期存款利率邊間好?. 比較26間銀行定期息口 (2024年2月更新) 迎來高息年代,加上大市走勢未明,不少人都紛紛轉陣做定期。. 如果你手頭上正好有閒置資金,又不想錯過難得的定期存款利率,Bowtie為你總結定期存款必知事項,和你一起趁加息週期穩袋一筆 ...

    • Allow Immediate Money Transferral
    • Make Easy Payments
    • Offer Attractive Rebates
    • Offer High-Interest Rates
    • Allow Multi-Currency Savings
    • Good Rates & Multi-Currency For Fixed Deposits

    Transferring money in and out of the virtual banks was generally easy once it was set up. Some of them do not have branch codes which makes it a little more complicated. Yet, FPS is available and the transaction is reflected immediately. Users should be reminded that a few transactions may be needed when transferring large amounts of money due to t...

    Banks such as Livi, Mox, WeLab, and ZA provide different payment gateways to spend money. Some allow you to add a virtual debit card to Apple Pay or Google Pay (ZA only lets you use Apple Pay at the time of writing). Livi uses UnionPay as well. Some (Mox, WeLab, ZA) send you a plastic card to use. You can check all of your transactions on the app, ...

    These virtual banks usually offer quite attractive rebates to their customers whenever they make transactions. Different forms of rebates and rebates rates may change from time to time and depend on promotions. Here are some rebates that the virtual banks are offering at the time of writing: 1. Mox gives you a rebate of 0.5% 2. Livi gives you (with...

    Virtual Banks may pay you higher interest rates in HKD compared to your usual bank. If you have spare cash and want to maximise your returns, the following sequence may work for you (depending on how much you have to spare): 1. $20,000 in Airstar (earns 3.6% p.a. for 95 days) 2. $20,000 in Ant – open a Libre account (earns 2% p.a.) 3. $50,000 in Li...

    Airstar, Fusion and ZA provide you with savings accounts in Renminbi (CNY) and US Dollars (USD) if that is something you want. In CNY, the best rate is given by Fusion (1% pa) and in USD the best rate is provided by Airstar (0.10% pa).

    Time deposits are available in CNY and USD in Airstar, Fusion, and ZA while HKD fixed deposits are available from Airstar, Fusion, ZA, and WeLab. The tenors vary across banks and depend on the currency. 1. For example, in Renminbi (CNY), Fusion has good rates at short tenors while Airstar has good rates at longer tenors. 2. In USD, Airstar gives yo...

  3. 2024年4月17日 · 一文睇清收費、風險及跟定期存款的分別. 貨幣基金由低風險的配置組成,但其實也潛在一定風險。 Bowtie 資訊團隊透過本文分享貨幣基金的特性、收費、風險讓大家參考。 作者 Bowtie 團隊. 日期 2024-04-17. 更新 2024-04-23. 目錄. 貨幣基金是甚麼? 購買貨幣基金有甚麼收費? 投資貨幣基金的風險高嗎? 終身人壽保險一定好? 不如「保還保、儲還儲」! 貨幣基金是甚麼? 購買貨幣基金有甚麼收費? 投資貨幣基金的風險高嗎? 終身人壽保險一定好? 不如「保還保、儲還儲」! 貨幣基金是甚麼?

  4. 2021年2月23日 · Bowtie 資訊團隊比較各大銀行的開戶要求、收費和最低存款要求,助你選擇最適合的銀行,一展創業夢! 作者 Bowtie 團隊 日期 2021-02-23

  5. 2023年3月31日 · 在疫情在2020年開始後,美國聯儲局大幅進行QE量化寬鬆,俗稱印銀紙,多間Start-up輕易取得貸款,因而快速增長,當時作為加州矽谷一帶初創企業首選銀行的SVB,因此吸納數十億存款。

  6. 2019年12月2日 · 隨着香港的監管機構已發出 8 個虛擬銀行牌照及 2 個 虛擬保險牌照 ,今年金融科技周的氣氛可謂被推至高峰。 活動揭幕當天,我和眾安國際的總裁及 OneDegree 的 CEO 就「香港數碼化保險的未來」為題展開討論。 數碼化 VS 虛擬. 在討論這個題目之前,先說說數碼化保險 (Digital Insurance) 和虛擬保險 (Virtual Insurance)。 筆者認為嚴格來說,它們是兩個概念。 數碼化保險,有人會理解為網上保險,簡單點說是傳統保險公司將保險銷售的渠道由線下轉移至線上,設立網上平台作直接銷售,或是透過線上平台為旗下的保險代理索取客戶的聯絡資料。

  1. 虛擬銀行活期存款比較2020 相關

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