雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 裝修工程保險 相關

  2. OneDegree家居保險承擔颱風引致的意外損毀,包括雨水入屋浸壞家居財物及窗戶玻璃破損的更換費用. 高達HK$1,500萬第三者責任保障,包括家居漏水或鋁窗飛脫等意外而引起的責任。特設5天索償保證。


  1. 捐助該社油麻地新中心裝修及購置設備的 費用 469 Hong Kong Women Workers’ Association To fund the acquisition of office equipment and minor renovation of its centre 香港婦女勞工協會 捐助該會購置辦公室器材及其中心進行小 規模維修工程 134

  2. 博彩要有節制 未滿十八歲人士不得投注或進入可投注的地方。 向非法或海外莊家下注,即屬違法,且可被判監禁。 切勿沉迷賭博,如需尋求輔導協助,可致電平和基金熱線1834 633。 入場及投注人士須年滿十八歲,切勿沉迷賭博。

  3. 大樓樓層裝修試行採用多項措施,力求充分運用 照明與空調效能,以及盡量提高空間使用率。各 樓層也設有廢紙、塑膠與金屬分類回收箱。•馬會多間會所引入措施減少使用禮品包裝物料,或改用環保用料。並且減省或撤用宣傳單張等印

  4. 正式而言,他只是業餘騎師(香港賽馬於1971年始轉為職業化),但由於經常上陣出賽,大概早已視騎馬為正職。正因為他是業餘騎師,所以可擁有馬匹。不過,他亦以演員、保險經紀和承建商為業。

  5. 115 Each year The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust donates an average of more than HK$1 billion to the community by way of its own major initiatives and donations to some 100 charitable groups and organisations in support of their projects. This makes the

  6. The Cathay Pacific International Trials in November were opened up to overseas horses for the first time, but it was the local stars who stole the lime- light in the run-up to December’s main event. Collection, ridden by Weichong Marwing, started the fanfare by winning the Cup Trial, then seven days later Fellowshipunder Zac Purton took out ...

  7. 工程 及醫療義務工作協會 捐助成立數碼共融發展及資源中心及其 三年經費 ... 捐助其 景 新服務單位裝修 及購置設備 497 Donations 年內捐款 108 The following agencies receive The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant from the Trust for 2010/11 ...

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