雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我應接種多少劑新冠疫苗? 快速抗原測試. 其他重要資訊. 同心抗疫:現有新冠疫苗仍高度有效 (2.6.2023) COVID-19 vaccine • Get the latest information from the CDC. 如有查詢,請以電子郵件聯絡我們: enquiry_chpweb@dh.gov.hk. 疫情概覽. 2019冠狀病毒病及流感速遞 ( 數據資料庫 ) 香港的新型冠狀病毒檢測數據. 疫情概覽資料庫. 2019冠狀病毒病的本地最新情況 ( 早前公佈的個案詳情 ) (最後發佈於 2023 年 7 月 27 日) 第5波疫情概覽 ( 數據資料庫 ) (最後發佈於 2023 年 7 月 27 日)

  2. PRESS RELEASES. Important: How many doses of COVID-19 vaccine are recommended for me? Rapid Antigen Tests. Other Important Topics. Fight the Coronavirus: Young children can safely receive Sinovac vaccine (15.8.2022) COVID-19 vaccine • Get the latest information from the CDC.

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  4. ⴕ 由4 月20 日起, 醫管局採用新的統計方法, 由確診2019 冠狀病毒病當日起計28 日後, 病人會列為康復。. Starting from 20 April, the Hospital Authority has adopted a new counting method. Patient is considered as recovered, after 28 days from the date tested positive for COVID-19. ^ 年齡是根據接種第一劑 ...

  5. PRESS RELEASES. Important: How many doses of COVID-19 vaccine are recommended for me? Rapid Antigen Tests. Other Important Topics. For enquiries, please contact Centre for Health Protection via email at: enquiry_chpweb@dh.gov.hk. UPDATES ON INFECTION SITUATION. Covid-19 & Flu Express ( Archive of Statistics )

  6. 重要资讯. 快速抗原测试采样方法(影片由香港大学提供). 外籍家庭佣工来港工作. 中央政府援港抗疫中医专家组拟备的「中医药抗疫临床应用方案」(暂只有中文版). 2019冠状病毒病居家使用中成药建议(试行版). 2019冠状病毒病中医诊疗方案(试行版). 2019 ...

  7. 2022年1月14日 · Fifth Round of $3.57 billion Anti-epidemic Fund Measures Press Release: Government announces fifth round of Anti-epidemic Fund measures (14 January 2022) Summary of measures Ongoing measures (as at )

  8. Here are some helpful tips on how you can maintain and improve your personal hygiene. 洗手不可缺. Wash hands. When should we wash our hands? properly. 用梘液徹底洗手最少二十秒,能有效防止感染及傳播傳染病。 Washing hands thoroughly with liquid soap for at least 20 seconds can effectively prevent contracting and spreading communicable diseases. 我們應該在甚麼時候洗手? 如廁、咳嗽或打噴嚏後。 處理食物及進食前。

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