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  2. 2020年7月9日 · 野餐的英文 picnic ,據說是從法文的 pique-nique 一詞演化而來的。 在18世紀時,野餐是皇家貴族的活動,非常講究細節。 但演變到今天,野餐已成為家庭、朋友、情人在周末下午的戶外聚會。 躺在草皮上,享受著溫暖的陽光跟簡單美味的自製餐點;即使是單獨一個人,帶本好書,也能悠遊自在地度過一個美好的下午。 想像一下,你會想在你的野餐籃裡面會放些什麼呢? 試著列出一份你自己的清單。 Instagram content. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. 點擊下面的影片,看看常常野餐的外國人會帶些什麼? 野餐相關單字全部一次學! picnic mat 野餐墊. - mat (n.)

  3. 野餐. picnic uk / ˈpɪk.nɪk/ us / ˈpɪk.nɪk/ A1 noun. an occasion when you have an informal meal of sandwiches, etc. outside, or the food itself: If the weather's nice we could have a picnic in the park. 天气好的话我们就能去公园野餐了。. cookout uk / ˈkʊk.aʊt/ us / ˈkʊk.aʊt/ noun US informal. a party at which food is ...

  4. 野餐. picnic uk / ˈpɪk.nɪk/ us / ˈpɪk.nɪk/ A1 noun. an occasion when you have an informal meal of sandwiches, etc. outside, or the food itself: If the weather's nice we could have a picnic in the park. 天气好的话我们就能去公园野餐了。. cookout uk / ˈkʊk.aʊt/ us / ˈkʊk.aʊt/ noun US informal. a party at which food is ...

  5. 野餐;供野餐吃的食物. If the weather's nice we could have a picnic in the park. 天氣好的話我們就能去公園野餐。 Why don't you take a picnic with you? 你為甚麼不帶著野餐時吃的東西? a picnic area / lunch / table 野餐區域/野外午餐/野餐桌. a picnic basket / hamper 野餐籃. 减少例句. We enjoyed a leisurely picnic lunch on the lawn. This looks like a nice spot for a picnic.

  6. 來學野餐英文」 (Image from freepik.com) 4月陽光和煦暖和卻不會過於炎熱是個chill野餐的好季節今天小編整理了戶外野餐必備要帶物品有哪些以及英文名稱怎麼說大家出發前可以一邊學習一邊準備喔: 【野餐相關英文單字】 frisbee 飛盤. mosquito repellent 防蚊液. napkin / paper towel 餐巾/紙巾. picnic basket 野餐籃. picnic mat 野餐墊. food storage container 保鮮盒. cracker 薄脆餅;蘇打餅. thermos bottle 保溫杯. 【野餐實用對話句】 • Do you want to have a picnic this weekend?

  7. 英式英语: picnic / ˈpɪknɪk / NOUN. When people have a picnic, they eat a meal out of doors. We're going on a picnic tomorrow. 美式英语: picnic / ˈpɪknɪk /. 阿拉伯语: نُزْهَةُ الأَكْل فِي الهَواءِ الطَّلْق. 巴西葡萄牙语: piquenique. 简体中文: 野餐. 克罗地亚语: piknik. 捷克语 ...

  8. 野餐 - WordReference 汉-英词典. Listen: Simplified: 野餐. , Pinyin: yě cān. ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配. Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像. Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: 野餐 yěcān动 have a picnic. 周 (週)末我们 (們)去山上野餐吧! Zhōumò wǒmen qù shān shang yěcān ba! Let's go for a picnic in the mountains this weekend! 标题中含有单词 '野餐' 的论坛讨论: 标题中没有含有单词 '野餐' 。

  9. 野餐. British English: picnic / ˈpɪknɪk / NOUN. When people have a picnic, they eat a meal out of doors. We're going on a picnic tomorrow. American English: picnic / ˈpɪknɪk / Arabic: نُزْهَةُ الأَكْل فِي الهَواءِ الطَّلْق. Brazilian Portuguese: piquenique. Chinese: 野餐. Croatian: piknik. Czech: piknik. Danish: picnic. Dutch: picknick.

  10. 野餐會 picnic party ; barbecue ; outing ; Annual Picnic. 野餐郊游 picnic party. 野餐籃 Picnic Basket ; Wicker Picnic Basket ; Wicker Picnic Ba. 野餐區 picnic place. 英漢例句. 然后找個干凈的,不會碰上其它單身人士的地方搞一次 野餐 。 find a clearing where you will not meet a single human and have a picnic. 把你的拍攝當作一種體驗——穿越樹林的漫步,和家人 野餐 ,沙灘上的一天——每個人都很享受。

  11. [yěcān] 動. have a picnic. 週末我們去山上野餐吧! Let’s go for a picnic in the mountains this weekend! Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. 查看相关内容. 在其他语言中. 野餐. 英式英语: picnic / ˈpɪknɪk / NOUN. When people have a picnic, they eat a meal out of doors. We're going on a picnic tomorrow. 美式英语: picnic / ˈpɪknɪk /

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