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  1. Amofia是香港本土(專利) 濕疹及敏感肌護膚品首選品牌,由愛而生為我們的理念,我們致力研製安全、有效、無添加的濕疹防敏感護膚品(濕疹面霜 、萬用膏、濕疹用油等),將父母對兒女無限付出的愛承存,希望每位小朋友及父母不再受濕疹及敏感的困擾。

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  4. If you have aphonia or loss of voice, it means you can’t make yourself heard because your voice sounds hoarse, or you can‘t speak above a whisper. Sometimes you can’t speak at all. Other times you may not want to speak because you think your voice sounds strange or different. Healthcare providers treat aphonia with voice therapy exercises.

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  6. Treatment. Prognosis. Aphonia is a speech disorder in which you can still speak, but the sounds you make don't rise above a whisper, or they are not heard at all. It usually comes on suddenly, and people who develop this condition try to talk but can't be heard by others. Aphonia is considered a functional speech disorder, meaning it is rooted ...

  7. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › AphoniaAphonia - Wikipedia

    Aphonia is defined as the inability to produce voiced sound. [1] This may result from damage, such as surgery (e.g., thyroidectomy) or a tumor ., [2] or can be a result of psychological means. Aphonia means "no sound.”. In other words, a person with this disorder has lost their voice and is unable to communicate vocally.