The headquarters complex comprises several buildings, including Arsenal House (including main building, East and West Wing) and Caine House. As at December 2010, 5,202 police officers and 2,032 civilian officers are deployed in this headquarters.
1864年,位於 荷李活道 與 雲咸街 交界的 舊中區警署 建成,成為香港警隊首座總部。 第二次世界大戰 後初期,警察總部改設於 干諾道中 的 東方行。 1950年代,政府撥出灣仔軍器廠街的新填海土地供警隊興建新總部,以取代中區警署。 警察總部先後經歷幾次擴建, 堅偉大樓 (Caine House,紀念香港警隊創辦人 威廉堅)率先於1952年建成,而樓高20層的 梅理大樓 (May House,紀念首任 警察隊長 查理士·梅理)於1973年落成 [2]。 直到1987年9月,警隊拆卸警察總部內的已婚警員宿舍,1993年12月推動《軍器廠街警察總部範圍發展計劃》分兩期興建兩幢大樓: 警政大樓 於1990年啟用,西翼於1996年啟用。 沿革.
2020年8月3日 · The existing Arsenal House has been retained and linked to the new building as part of the headquarters complex and was renamed as Arsenal House East Wing. Planning Concepts
The new complex will be named Arsenal House, with the existing Arsenal House being renamed Arsenal House East Wing. The new Arsenal House is an excellent example of the way in which the Force has strived to ensure that this purpose-built complex will be a prestigious, yet dignified building that will serve its needs well into this century.
3 天前 · Address 10/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
有乜連過嚟 連結頁嘅更改 上載檔案 專門版 固定連結 此版明細 引用呢篇文 攞短網址 下載QR code 香港警察總部 香港警察總部(英文: Hong Kong Police Headquarters,縮寫:HKPHQ),係香港警務處嘅總部大樓,喺港島 灣仔 軍器廠街1號,有四棟樓:堅偉大樓、警政大樓主樓、警政大樓東翼同警政大樓西翼。
2024年11月2日 · Address 24th floor, Arsenal House West Wing, Police Headquarters, Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong