雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 貝賽特氏症 (Behçet / Behçet's disease)又稱 貝歇氏病 、 貝西氏症 、 貝赫切特症候群 [1] (Behçet's syndrome)、 貝賽特氏症候群 、 白賽病 (Morbus Behçet) [2] ,因多發於 絲綢之路 國家 ,故亦稱 絲路病 (silk road disease);它是一種罕見的免疫系統的微血管全身性 血管炎 ...

  2. Behçet's disease ( BD) is a type of inflammatory disorder which affects multiple parts of the body. [2] . The most common symptoms include painful sores on the mucous membranes of the mouth and other parts of the body, inflammation of parts of the eye, and arthritis. [1] [2] The sores can last from a few days, up to a week or more. [2] .

  3. 貝賽特氏症 (Behçet / Behçet's disease)又稱 貝歇氏病 、 貝西氏症 、 贝赫切特综合征 [1] (Behçet's syndrome)、 貝賽特氏症候群 、 白賽病 (Morbus Behçet) [2] ,因多發於 絲綢之路 國家 ,故亦稱 絲路病 (silk road disease);它是一種罕見的免疫系統的微血管全身性 血管炎 ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. 2023年1月25日 · Behcet's (beh-CHETS) disease, also called Behcet's syndrome, is a rare disorder that causes blood vessel inflammation throughout your body. The disease can lead to numerous signs and symptoms that can seem unrelated at first. They can include mouth sores, eye inflammation, skin rashes and lesions, and genital sores.

  6. Behcets disease is virtually unparalleled among the vasculitides in its ability to involve blood vessels of nearly all sizes and types, ranging from small arteries to large ones, and involving veins too. Because of the diversity of blood vessels it affects, manifestations of Behcet’s may occur at many sites throughout the body.

  7. 貝雪氏病或貝塞特氏病 (Behcet's disease) 健保的重大傷病之一 (ICD 136.1)。 本質也是一種慢性反覆性自體免疫的疾病,主要表現是口腔及陰部的反覆潰瘍 (男性主要出現在陰囊,女性主要在陰唇)。 因為病變出現在尷尬部位,所以病人常常不好意思就醫。 然而此疾病並非性傳染病,無傳染之虞。 積極的治療下大部分病人可以得到良好的控制。 除潰瘍以外,可能會有皮膚的假性毛囊炎,結節性紅斑,青春痘樣病變,眼睛的虹彩炎 (葡萄膜炎)、關節炎,少見的併發症也包括表皮或深層血管栓塞、腸道潰瘍及肚子疼痛等。 治療上可以使用免疫調節劑與類固醇。 因為沒有特定的抽血檢查可以直接用來診斷,因此主要是靠臨床表現診斷,常見的診斷標準如下。 但是並非所有病人都有完整之表現可達到診斷標準。

  8. 2020年9月14日 · Behcet disease is an auto-inflammatory systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology. It is characterized by mucocutaneous manifestations, including recurrent oral and genital ulcerations, ocular manifestations, especially chronic relapsing uveitis, and systemic vasculitis involving arteries and veins of all sizes.