雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年7月5日 · To open an account, head to your local branch with the documents listed above. The forms you need to fill in are all in Japanese but fairly straightforward, including info like your address, date of birth, etc. After applying, you’ll get a cash card (and an optional bank book) sent to you through the post. One thing to be aware of: while ...

  2. 2017年1月30日 · According to Line, "Line Pay is a payment service that allows you make purchases from Line Pay Merchants. You can also send money and split bills with your Line friends. You can make payments easily with your credit card without registering, and if you register for Line Cash (a Line Pay account), you can make payments with your balance, as well ...

  3. NHK為了培養中小學生讀新聞的習慣,專門為日文學習者精心製作的日文學習網站“NEWS WEB EASY”十分推薦,由於每篇新聞的字上都有標註假名,並且單篇新聞的篇幅也已經縮減為方便讀者閱讀的長度,非常適合想要認識更多漢字念法的日文學習者與想要接收日本 ...

  4. 位於阿蘇九重國立公園破火山口形成的恩惠所打造的「界 阿蘇」,挑高的大廳在視覺上減輕了略小的感覺,畢竟這裡主打的是在大自然卻又隱密獨立的客房空間。包含收容最多2人的洋式與最多4人的和洋式的12間客房,每間客房皆帶有獨家露天私湯,能體驗被綠意包圍與大自然融為一體的感動。

  5. 來到關西,尤其是到了大阪,一定要品嘗的就是他們的燒肉。燒肉在大阪可說是足以媲美章魚燒的美食,其中被譽為日本國寶級美食的黑毛和牛更是名揚海外,在國內外都受到許多人的歡迎。通常想吃到黑毛和牛,大筆鈔票的話都是免不了的。不過來到大阪你可以用最經濟實惠的價格吃到頂級的和牛 ...

  6. 人氣餐廳「odori」位於徳島縣南部,以海龜產卵處聞名的美波町,料理多採用當地品牌雞「阿波尾雞」和當地生產的「海部蔬菜」。招牌菜「海龜漢堡 (ウミガメバーガー)」的漢堡麵包為海龜龜殼造型,種類有夾著雞肉漢堡排和海部蔬菜的「紅龜」、夾著炸雞排和蔬菜的「藍龜」,和夾著照燒雞漢堡 ...

  7. 2016年9月15日 · Japan’s traditional sake breweries are known as sakagura. Kashima, a city in Saga Prefecture, came up with the concept of “sake brewery tourism,” where visitors tour breweries and sample the rich brews each sakagura offers. The chance to savor so many fine sakes has drawn travelers from both Japan and abroad, and proven to be a huge success.

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